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Deno standard library
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import assert from "./assert.ts";import assertStrict from "./assert/strict.ts";import buffer from "./buffer.ts";import childProcess from "./child_process.ts";import console from "./console.ts";import constants from "./constants.ts";import crypto from "./crypto.ts";import dns from "./dns.ts";import events from "./events.ts";import fs from "./fs.ts";import fsPromises from "./fs/promises.ts";import internalErrors from "./internal/errors.ts";import internalUtilInspect from "./internal/util/inspect.js";import internalReadlineUtils from "./internal/readline/utils.js";import http from "./http.ts";import net from "./net.ts";import os from "./os.ts";import path from "./path.ts";import perfHooks from "./perf_hooks.ts";import process from "./process.ts";import querystring from "./querystring.ts";import readline from "./readline.ts";import stream from "./stream.ts";import streamWeb from "./stream/web.ts";import stringDecoder from "./string_decoder.ts";import sys from "./sys.ts";import timers from "./timers.ts";import timersPromises from "./timers/promises.ts";import tty from "./tty.ts";import vm from "./vm.ts";import url from "./url.ts";import util from "./util.ts";import wasi from "./wasi.ts";
// TODO(kt3k): add these modules when implemented// import cluster from "./cluster.ts";// import dgram from "./dgram.ts";// import http2 from "./http2.ts";// import https from "./https.ts";// import repl from "./repl.ts";// import sys from "./sys.ts";// import tls from "./tls.ts";// import workerThreads from "./worker_threads.ts";// import zlib from "./zlib.ts";
// Canonical mapping of supported modulesexport default { assert, "assert/strict": assertStrict, buffer, crypto, console, constants, "child_process": childProcess, dns, events, fs, "fs/promises": fsPromises, http, "internal/readline/utils": internalReadlineUtils, "internal/util/inspect": internalUtilInspect, "internal/errors": internalErrors, net, os, path, "perf_hooks": perfHooks, process, querystring, readline, stream, "stream/web": streamWeb, "string_decoder": stringDecoder, sys, timers, "timers/promises": timersPromises, tty, url, util, vm, zlib: {}, wasi,} as Record<string, unknown>;