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// Copyright Joyent and Node contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// deno-lint-ignore-file
import { AbortError, aggregateTwoErrors } from "../errors.js";import { isIterable, isNodeStream, isReadableNodeStream } from "./utils.js";import { once } from "../util.ts";import { stderr, stdout } from "./readable.js";import { validateAbortSignal, validateCallback } from "../validators.js";import { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE, ERR_MISSING_ARGS, ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED,} from "../../_errors.ts";import * as process from "../../_process/process.ts";import destroyImpl from "./destroy.js";import Duplex from "./duplex.js";import eos from "./end-of-stream.js";import Readable from "./readable.js";import PassThrough from "./passthrough.js";
function destroyer(stream, reading, writing, callback) { callback = once(callback);
let finished = false; stream.on("close", () => { finished = true; });
eos(stream, { readable: reading, writable: writing }, (err) => { finished = !err;
const rState = stream._readableState; if ( err && err.code === "ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE" && reading && (rState && rState.ended && !rState.errored && !rState.errorEmitted) ) { // Some readable streams will emit 'close' before 'end'. However, since // this is on the readable side 'end' should still be emitted if the // stream has been ended and no error emitted. This should be allowed in // favor of backwards compatibility. Since the stream is piped to a // destination this should not result in any observable difference. // We don't need to check if this is a writable premature close since // eos will only fail with premature close on the reading side for // duplex streams. stream .once("end", callback) .once("error", callback); } else { callback(err); } });
return (err) => { if (finished) return; finished = true; destroyImpl.destroyer(stream, err); callback(err || new ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED("pipe")); };}
function popCallback(streams) { // Streams should never be an empty array. It should always contain at least // a single stream. Therefore optimize for the average case instead of // checking for length === 0 as well. validateCallback(streams[streams.length - 1]); return streams.pop();}
function makeAsyncIterable(val) { if (isIterable(val)) { return val; } else if (isReadableNodeStream(val)) { // Legacy streams are not Iterable. return fromReadable(val); } throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( "val", ["Readable", "Iterable", "AsyncIterable"], val, );}
async function* fromReadable(val) { yield* Readable.prototype[Symbol.asyncIterator].call(val);}
async function pump(iterable, writable, finish) { let error; let onresolve = null;
const resume = (err) => { if (err) { error = err; }
if (onresolve) { const callback = onresolve; onresolve = null; callback(); } };
const wait = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { onresolve = () => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(); } }; } });
writable.on("drain", resume); const cleanup = eos(writable, { readable: false }, resume);
try { if (writable.writableNeedDrain) { await wait(); }
for await (const chunk of iterable) { if (!writable.write(chunk)) { await wait(); } }
await wait();
finish(); } catch (err) { finish(error !== err ? aggregateTwoErrors(error, err) : err); } finally { cleanup();"drain", resume); }}
function pipeline(...streams) { const callback = once(popCallback(streams));
// stream.pipeline(streams, callback) if (Array.isArray(streams[0]) && streams.length === 1) { streams = streams[0]; }
return pipelineImpl(streams, callback);}
function pipelineImpl(streams, callback, opts) { if (streams.length < 2) { throw new ERR_MISSING_ARGS("streams"); }
const ac = new AbortController(); const signal = ac.signal; const outerSignal = opts?.signal;
validateAbortSignal(outerSignal, "options.signal");
function abort() { finishImpl(new AbortError()); }
outerSignal?.addEventListener("abort", abort);
let error; let value; const destroys = [];
let finishCount = 0;
function finish(err) { finishImpl(err, --finishCount === 0); }
function finishImpl(err, final) { if (err && (!error || error.code === "ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE")) { error = err; }
if (!error && !final) { return; }
while (destroys.length) { destroys.shift()(error); }
outerSignal?.removeEventListener("abort", abort); ac.abort();
if (final) { callback(error, value); } }
let ret; for (let i = 0; i < streams.length; i++) { const stream = streams[i]; const reading = i < streams.length - 1; const writing = i > 0;
if (isNodeStream(stream)) { finishCount++; destroys.push(destroyer(stream, reading, writing, finish)); }
if (i === 0) { if (typeof stream === "function") { ret = stream({ signal }); if (!isIterable(ret)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE( "Iterable, AsyncIterable or Stream", "source", ret, ); } } else if (isIterable(stream) || isReadableNodeStream(stream)) { ret = stream; } else { ret = Duplex.from(stream); } } else if (typeof stream === "function") { ret = makeAsyncIterable(ret); ret = stream(ret, { signal });
if (reading) { if (!isIterable(ret, true)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE( "AsyncIterable", `transform[${i - 1}]`, ret, ); } } else { // If the last argument to pipeline is not a stream // we must create a proxy stream so that pipeline(...) // always returns a stream which can be further // composed through `.pipe(stream)`.
const pt = new PassThrough({ objectMode: true, });
// Handle Promises/A+ spec, `then` could be a getter that throws on // second use. const then = ret?.then; if (typeof then === "function") {, (val) => { value = val; pt.end(val); }, (err) => { pt.destroy(err); }); } else if (isIterable(ret, true)) { finishCount++; pump(ret, pt, finish); } else { throw new ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE( "AsyncIterable or Promise", "destination", ret, ); }
ret = pt;
finishCount++; destroys.push(destroyer(ret, false, true, finish)); } } else if (isNodeStream(stream)) { if (isReadableNodeStream(ret)) { ret.pipe(stream);
// Compat. Before node v10.12.0 stdio used to throw an error so // pipe() did/does not end() stdio destinations. // Now they allow it but "secretly" don't close the underlying fd. if (stream === stdout || stream === stderr) { ret.on("end", () => stream.end()); } } else { ret = makeAsyncIterable(ret);
finishCount++; pump(ret, stream, finish); } ret = stream; } else { ret = Duplex.from(stream); } }
if (signal?.aborted || outerSignal?.aborted) { process.nextTick(abort); }
return ret;}
export default { pipeline, pipelineImpl };export { pipeline, pipelineImpl };