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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { diff, diffstr } from "./_diff.ts";import { assertEquals } from "../testing/asserts.ts";
Deno.test({ name: "empty", fn(): void { assertEquals(diff([], []), []); },});
Deno.test({ name: '"a" vs "b"', fn(): void { assertEquals(diff(["a"], ["b"]), [ { type: "removed", value: "a" }, { type: "added", value: "b" }, ]); },});
Deno.test({ name: '"a" vs "a"', fn(): void { assertEquals(diff(["a"], ["a"]), [{ type: "common", value: "a" }]); },});
Deno.test({ name: '"a" vs ""', fn(): void { assertEquals(diff(["a"], []), [{ type: "removed", value: "a" }]); },});
Deno.test({ name: '"" vs "a"', fn(): void { assertEquals(diff([], ["a"]), [{ type: "added", value: "a" }]); },});
Deno.test({ name: '"a" vs "a, b"', fn(): void { assertEquals(diff(["a"], ["a", "b"]), [ { type: "common", value: "a" }, { type: "added", value: "b" }, ]); },});
Deno.test({ name: '"strength" vs "string"', fn(): void { assertEquals(diff(Array.from("strength"), Array.from("string")), [ { type: "common", value: "s" }, { type: "common", value: "t" }, { type: "common", value: "r" }, { type: "removed", value: "e" }, { type: "added", value: "i" }, { type: "common", value: "n" }, { type: "common", value: "g" }, { type: "removed", value: "t" }, { type: "removed", value: "h" }, ]); },});
Deno.test({ name: '"strength" vs ""', fn(): void { assertEquals(diff(Array.from("strength"), Array.from("")), [ { type: "removed", value: "s" }, { type: "removed", value: "t" }, { type: "removed", value: "r" }, { type: "removed", value: "e" }, { type: "removed", value: "n" }, { type: "removed", value: "g" }, { type: "removed", value: "t" }, { type: "removed", value: "h" }, ]); },});
Deno.test({ name: '"" vs "strength"', fn(): void { assertEquals(diff(Array.from(""), Array.from("strength")), [ { type: "added", value: "s" }, { type: "added", value: "t" }, { type: "added", value: "r" }, { type: "added", value: "e" }, { type: "added", value: "n" }, { type: "added", value: "g" }, { type: "added", value: "t" }, { type: "added", value: "h" }, ]); },});
Deno.test({ name: '"abc", "c" vs "abc", "bcd", "c"', fn(): void { assertEquals(diff(["abc", "c"], ["abc", "bcd", "c"]), [ { type: "common", value: "abc" }, { type: "added", value: "bcd" }, { type: "common", value: "c" }, ]); },});
Deno.test({ name: '"a b c d" vs "a b x d e" (diffstr)', fn(): void { const diffResult = diffstr( [..."abcd"].join("\n"), [..."abxde"].join("\n"), ); assertEquals(diffResult, [ { type: "common", value: "a\\n\n" }, { type: "common", value: "b\\n\n" }, { type: "added", value: "x\\n\n", details: [ { type: "added", value: "x" }, { type: "common", value: "\\" }, { type: "common", value: "n" }, { type: "common", value: "\n" }, ], }, { type: "added", value: "d\\n\n", details: [ { type: "common", value: "d" }, { type: "added", value: "\\" }, { type: "added", value: "n" }, { type: "common", value: "\n" }, ], }, { type: "added", value: "e\n" }, { type: "removed", value: "c\\n\n", details: [ { type: "removed", value: "c" }, { type: "common", value: "\\" }, { type: "common", value: "n" }, { type: "common", value: "\n" }, ], }, { type: "removed", value: "d\n", details: [ { type: "common", value: "d" }, { type: "common", value: "\n" }, ], }, ]); },});
Deno.test({ name: `"3.14" vs "2.71" (diffstr)`, fn(): void { const diffResult = diffstr("3.14", "2.71"); assertEquals(diffResult, [ { type: "removed", value: "3.14\n", details: [ { type: "removed", value: "3", }, { type: "common", value: ".", }, { type: "removed", value: "14", }, { type: "common", value: "\n", }, ], }, { type: "added", value: "2.71\n", details: [ { type: "added", value: "2", }, { type: "common", value: ".", }, { type: "added", value: "71", }, { type: "common", value: "\n", }, ], }, ]); },});
Deno.test({ name: `single line "a b" vs "c d" (diffstr)`, fn(): void { const diffResult = diffstr("a b", "c d"); assertEquals(diffResult, [ { type: "removed", value: "a b\n", details: [ { type: "removed", value: "a" }, { type: "removed", value: " " }, { type: "removed", value: "b" }, { type: "common", value: "\n" }, ], }, { type: "added", value: "c d\n", details: [ { type: "added", value: "c" }, { type: "added", value: "d" }, { type: "common", value: "\n" }, ], }, ]); },});
Deno.test({ name: `"\\b\\f\\r\\t\\v\\n" vs "\\r\\n" (diffstr)`, fn(): void { const diffResult = diffstr("\b\f\r\t\v\n", "\r\n"); assertEquals(diffResult, [ { type: "removed", value: "\\b\\f\\r\\t\\v\\n\n", details: [ { type: "common", value: "\\" }, { type: "removed", value: "b" }, { type: "removed", value: "\\" }, { type: "removed", value: "f" }, { type: "removed", value: "\\" }, { type: "common", value: "r" }, { type: "common", value: "\\" }, { type: "removed", value: "t" }, { type: "removed", value: "\\" }, { type: "removed", value: "v" }, { type: "removed", value: "\\" }, { type: "common", value: "n" }, { type: "common", value: "\n" }, ], }, { type: "added", value: "\\r\\n\r\n", details: [ { type: "common", value: "\\" }, { type: "common", value: "r" }, { type: "common", value: "\\" }, { type: "common", value: "n" }, { type: "added", value: "\r" }, { type: "common", value: "\n" }, ], }, { type: "common", value: "\n" }, ]); },});