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Deno standard library
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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-run --allow-read --allow-write --allow-env// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import * as base64 from "../encoding/base64.ts";
const home = Deno.env.get("HOME");const root = new URL(".", import.meta.url).pathname;
// Run in the same directory as this script is located.if (new URL(import.meta.url).protocol === "file:") { Deno.chdir(root);} else { console.error("build.ts can only be run locally (from a file: URL)."); Deno.exit(1);}
// Format the Rust code.if ( !((await{ cmd: [ "cargo", "fmt", ], }).status()).success)) { console.error(`Failed to format the Rust code.`); Deno.exit(1);}
// Compile the Rust code to WASM.if ( !((await{ cmd: [ "cargo", "build", "--release", ], env: { // eliminate some potential sources of non-determinism SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH: "1600000000", TZ: "UTC", LC_ALL: "C", RUSTFLAGS: `--remap-path-prefix=${root}=. --remap-path-prefix=${home}=~`, }, }).status()).success)) { console.error(`Failed to compile the Rust code to WASM.`); Deno.exit(1);}
const copyrightLine = `// Copyright 2018-${ new Date().getFullYear()} the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.`;
// Generate JavaScript bindings from WASM.if ( !((await{ cmd: [ "wasm-bindgen", "./target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/deno_std_wasm_crypto.wasm", "--target", "deno", "--weak-refs", "--out-dir", "./target/wasm32-bindgen-deno-js", ], }).status()).success)) { console.error(`Failed to generate JavaScript bindings from WASM.`); Deno.exit(1);}
// Encode WASM binary as a TypeScript module.const generatedWasm = await Deno.readFile( "./target/wasm32-bindgen-deno-js/deno_std_wasm_crypto_bg.wasm",);
// Format WASM binary size with _ thousands separators for human readability,// so that any changes in size will be clear in diffs.const formattedWasmSize = generatedWasm.length.toString().padStart( Math.ceil(generatedWasm.length.toString().length / 3) * 3,).replace(/...\B/g, "$&_").trim();
// Generate a hash of the WASM in the format required by subresource integrity.const wasmIntegrity = `sha256-${ base64.encode(await crypto.subtle!.digest("SHA-256", generatedWasm))}`;
const wasmJs = `${copyrightLine}// This file is automatically @generated by _build.ts// It is not intended for manual editing.import * as base64 from "../encoding/base64.ts";
export const size = ${formattedWasmSize};export const name = "crypto.wasm";export const type = "application/wasm";export const hash = ${JSON.stringify(wasmIntegrity)};export const data = base64.decode("\\\n${ base64.encode(generatedWasm).replace(/.{78}/g, "$&\\\n")}\\\n");
export default data;`;
// Modify the generated WASM bindings, replacing the runtime fetching of the// WASM binary file with a static TypeScript import of the copy we encoded// above. This eliminates the need for net or read permissions.const generatedScript = await Deno.readTextFile( "./target/wasm32-bindgen-deno-js/deno_std_wasm_crypto.js",);const bindingsJs = `${copyrightLine}// This file is automatically @generated by _build.ts// It is not intended for manual editing.// deno-lint-ignore-fileimport wasmBytes from "./crypto.wasm.js";
${ generatedScript.replace( /^const wasm_url =.*?;\nlet wasmCode =.*?;\n.*?const wasmInstance =.*?;\n/sm, `const wasmModule = new WebAssembly.Module(wasmBytes);\n` + `const wasmInstance = new WebAssembly.Instance(wasmModule, imports);`, )}
// for testing/debuggingexport const _wasm = wasm;export const _wasmModule = wasmModule;export const _wasmInstance = wasmInstance;export const _wasmBytes = wasmBytes;`;
await Deno.writeTextFile("./crypto.wasm.js", wasmJs);await Deno.writeTextFile("./crypto.js", bindingsJs);
// Format the generated files.if ( !(await{ cmd: [ "deno", "fmt", "./crypto.wasm.js", "./crypto.js", ], }).status()).success) { console.error( `Failed to format generated code.`, ); Deno.exit(1);}