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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import type { CallbackWithError } from "./_fs_common.ts";import { makeCallback } from "./_fs_common.ts";import { Buffer } from "../buffer.ts";import { getValidatedPath, getValidMode } from "../internal/fs/utils.js";import { fs, os } from "../internal_binding/constants.ts";
export function copyFile( src: string | Buffer | URL, dest: string | Buffer | URL, callback: CallbackWithError,): void;export function copyFile( src: string | Buffer | URL, dest: string | Buffer | URL, mode: number, callback: CallbackWithError,): void;export function copyFile( src: string | Buffer | URL, dest: string | Buffer | URL, mode: number | CallbackWithError, callback?: CallbackWithError,): void { if (typeof mode === "function") { callback = mode; mode = 0; } const srcStr = getValidatedPath(src, "src").toString(); const destStr = getValidatedPath(dest, "dest").toString(); const modeNum = getValidMode(mode, "copyFile"); const cb = makeCallback(callback);
if ((modeNum & fs.COPYFILE_EXCL) === fs.COPYFILE_EXCL) { Deno.lstat(destStr).then(() => { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const e: any = new Error( `EEXIST: file already exists, copyfile '${srcStr}' -> '${destStr}'`, ); e.syscall = "copyfile"; e.errno = os.errno.EEXIST; e.code = "EEXIST"; cb(e); }, (e) => { if (e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { Deno.copyFile(srcStr, destStr).then(() => cb(null), cb); } cb(e); }); } else { Deno.copyFile(srcStr, destStr).then(() => cb(null), cb); }}
export function copyFileSync( src: string | Buffer | URL, dest: string | Buffer | URL, mode?: number,): void { const srcStr = getValidatedPath(src, "src").toString(); const destStr = getValidatedPath(dest, "dest").toString(); const modeNum = getValidMode(mode, "copyFile");
if ((modeNum & fs.COPYFILE_EXCL) === fs.COPYFILE_EXCL) { try { Deno.lstatSync(destStr); throw new Error(`A file exists at the destination: ${destStr}`); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { Deno.copyFileSync(srcStr, destStr); } throw e; } } else { Deno.copyFileSync(srcStr, destStr); }}