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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { assert, assertEquals, assertNotEquals, assertRejects,} from "../../testing/asserts.ts";import { writeFile } from "./promises.ts";import type { TextEncodings } from "../_utils.ts";import { isWindows } from "../../_util/os.ts";
const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");
Deno.test("Invalid encoding results in error()", function testEncodingErrors() { assertRejects( async () => { await writeFile("some/path", "some data", "made-up-encoding"); }, Error, `The value "made-up-encoding" is invalid for option "encoding"`, ); assertRejects( async () => { await writeFile("some/path", "some data", { encoding: "made-up-encoding", }); }, Error, `The value "made-up-encoding" is invalid for option "encoding"`, );});
Deno.test( "Unsupported encoding results in error()", function testUnsupportedEncoding() { assertRejects( async () => { await writeFile("some/path", "some data", "utf16le"); }, Error, `Not implemented: "utf16le" encoding`, ); },);
Deno.test( "Data is written to correct rid", async function testCorrectWriteUsingRid() { const tempFile: string = await Deno.makeTempFile(); const file: Deno.FsFile = await, { create: true, write: true, read: true, });
await writeFile(file.rid, "hello world"); Deno.close(file.rid);
const data = await Deno.readFile(tempFile); await Deno.remove(tempFile); assertEquals(decoder.decode(data), "hello world"); },);
Deno.test( "Data is written to correct file", async function testCorrectWriteUsingPath() { const openResourcesBeforeWrite: Deno.ResourceMap = Deno.resources();
await writeFile("_fs_writeFile_test_file.txt", "hello world");
assertEquals(Deno.resources(), openResourcesBeforeWrite); const data = await Deno.readFile("_fs_writeFile_test_file.txt"); await Deno.remove("_fs_writeFile_test_file.txt"); assertEquals(decoder.decode(data), "hello world"); },);
Deno.test( "Data is written to correct file encodings", async function testCorrectWritePromiseUsingDifferentEncodings() { const encodings = [ ["hex", "68656c6c6f20776f726c64"], ["HEX", "68656c6c6f20776f726c64"], ["base64", "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ="], ["BASE64", "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ="], ["utf8", "hello world"], ["utf-8", "hello world"], ];
for (const [encoding, value] of encodings) { await writeFile( "_fs_writeFile_test_file.txt", value, encoding as TextEncodings, );
const data = await Deno.readFile("_fs_writeFile_test_file.txt"); await Deno.remove("_fs_writeFile_test_file.txt"); assertEquals(decoder.decode(data), "hello world"); } },);
Deno.test("Mode is correctly set", async function testCorrectFileMode() { if (isWindows) return; const filename = "_fs_writeFile_test_file.txt"; await writeFile(filename, "hello world", { mode: 0o777 });
const fileInfo = await Deno.stat(filename); await Deno.remove(filename); assert(fileInfo && fileInfo.mode); assertEquals(fileInfo.mode & 0o777, 0o777);});
Deno.test( "Mode is not set when rid is passed", async function testCorrectFileModeRid() { if (isWindows) return;
const filename: string = await Deno.makeTempFile(); const file: Deno.FsFile = await, { create: true, write: true, read: true, });
await writeFile(file.rid, "hello world", { mode: 0o777 }); Deno.close(file.rid);
const fileInfo = await Deno.stat(filename); await Deno.remove(filename); assert(fileInfo.mode); assertNotEquals(fileInfo.mode & 0o777, 0o777); },);