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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// This module implements 'child_process' module of Node.JS API.// ref: { assert } from "../../_util/assert.ts";import { EventEmitter } from "../events.ts";import { os } from "../internal_binding/constants.ts";import { notImplemented } from "../_utils.ts";import { Readable, Stream, Writable } from "../stream.ts";import { deferred } from "../../async/deferred.ts";import { iterateReader, writeAll } from "../../streams/conversion.ts";import { isWindows } from "../../_util/os.ts";import { Buffer } from "../buffer.ts";import { nextTick } from "../_next_tick.ts";import { AbortError, ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE, ERR_UNKNOWN_SIGNAL,} from "./errors.ts";import { mapValues } from "../../collections/map_values.ts";
type NodeStdio = "pipe" | "overlapped" | "ignore" | "inherit" | "ipc";type DenoStdio = "inherit" | "piped" | "null";
export function stdioStringToArray( stdio: NodeStdio, channel: NodeStdio | number,) { const options: (NodeStdio | number)[] = [];
switch (stdio) { case "ignore": case "overlapped": case "pipe": options.push(stdio, stdio, stdio); break; case "inherit": options.push(stdio, stdio, stdio); break; default: throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE("stdio", stdio); }
if (channel) options.push(channel);
return options;}
export class ChildProcess extends EventEmitter { /** * The exit code of the child process. This property will be `null` until the child process exits. */ exitCode: number | null = null;
/** * This property is set to `true` after `kill()` is called. */ killed = false;
/** * The PID of this child process. */ pid!: number;
/** * The signal received by this child process. */ signalCode: string | null = null;
/** * Command line arguments given to this child process. */ spawnargs: string[];
/** * The executable file name of this child process. */ spawnfile: string;
/** * This property represents the child process's stdin. */ stdin: Writable | null = null;
/** * This property represents the child process's stdout. */ stdout: Readable | null = null;
/** * This property represents the child process's stderr. */ stderr: Readable | null = null;
/** * Pipes to this child process. */ stdio: [Writable | null, Readable | null, Readable | null] = [ null, null, null, ];
#process!: Deno.Process; #spawned = deferred<void>();
constructor( command: string, args?: string[], options?: ChildProcessOptions, ) { super();
const { env = {}, stdio = ["pipe", "pipe", "pipe"], shell = false, signal, } = options || {}; const [ stdin = "pipe", stdout = "pipe", stderr = "pipe", _channel, // TODO(kt3k): handle this correctly ] = normalizeStdioOption(stdio); const cmd = buildCommand( command, args || [], shell, ); this.spawnfile = cmd[0]; this.spawnargs = cmd;
const stringEnv = mapValues(env, (value) => value.toString());
try { this.#process ={ cmd, env: stringEnv, stdin: toDenoStdio(stdin as NodeStdio | number), stdout: toDenoStdio(stdout as NodeStdio | number), stderr: toDenoStdio(stderr as NodeStdio | number), }); =;
if (stdin === "pipe") { assert(this.#process.stdin); this.stdin = createWritableFromStdin(this.#process.stdin); }
if (stdout === "pipe") { assert(this.#process.stdout); this.stdout = createReadableFromReader(this.#process.stdout); }
if (stderr === "pipe") { assert(this.#process.stderr); this.stderr = createReadableFromReader(this.#process.stderr); }
this.stdio[0] = this.stdin; this.stdio[1] = this.stdout; this.stdio[2] = this.stderr;
nextTick(() => { this.emit("spawn"); this.#spawned.resolve(); });
if (signal) { const onAbortListener = () => { try { if (this.kill("SIGKILL")) { this.emit("error", new AbortError()); } } catch (err) { this.emit("error", err); } }; if (signal.aborted) { nextTick(onAbortListener); } else { signal.addEventListener("abort", onAbortListener, { once: true }); this.addListener( "exit", () => signal.removeEventListener("abort", onAbortListener), ); } }
(async () => { const status = await this.#process.status(); this.exitCode = status.code; this.#spawned.then(async () => { const exitCode = this.signalCode == null ? this.exitCode : null; const signalCode = this.signalCode == null ? null : this.signalCode; // The 'exit' and 'close' events must be emitted after the 'spawn' event. this.emit("exit", exitCode, signalCode); await this._waitForChildStreamsToClose(); this.#close(); this.emit("close", exitCode, signalCode); }); })(); } catch (err) { this._handleError(err); } }
/** * @param signal NOTE: this parameter is not yet implemented. */ kill(signal?: number | string): boolean { if (this.killed) { return this.killed; }
const denoSignal = signal == null ? "SIGTERM" : toDenoSignal(signal); this.#closePipes(); try { this.#process.kill(denoSignal); } catch (err) { const alreadyClosed = err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound || err instanceof Deno.errors.PermissionDenied; if (!alreadyClosed) { throw err; } } this.killed = true; this.signalCode = denoSignal; return this.killed; }
ref(): void { notImplemented("ChildProcess.ref()"); }
unref(): void { notImplemented("ChildProcess.unref()"); }
private async _waitForChildStreamsToClose(): Promise<void> { const promises = [] as Array<Promise<void>>; if (this.stdin && !this.stdin.destroyed) { assert(this.stdin); this.stdin.destroy(); promises.push(waitForStreamToClose(this.stdin)); } if (this.stdout && !this.stdout.destroyed) { promises.push(waitForReadableToClose(this.stdout)); } if (this.stderr && !this.stderr.destroyed) { promises.push(waitForReadableToClose(this.stderr)); } await Promise.all(promises); }
private _handleError(err: unknown): void { nextTick(() => { this.emit("error", err); // TODO(uki00a) Convert `err` into nodejs's `SystemError` class. }); }
#close(): void { this.#closePipes(); ensureClosed(this.#process); }
#closePipes(): void { if (this.#process.stdin) { assert(this.stdin); ensureClosed(this.#process.stdin); } if (this.#process.stdout) { ensureClosed(this.#process.stdout); } if (this.#process.stderr) { ensureClosed(this.#process.stderr); } }}
const supportedNodeStdioTypes: NodeStdio[] = ["pipe", "ignore", "inherit"];function toDenoStdio( pipe: NodeStdio | number | Stream | null | undefined,): DenoStdio { if ( !supportedNodeStdioTypes.includes(pipe as NodeStdio) || typeof pipe === "number" || pipe instanceof Stream ) { notImplemented(`toDenoStdio pipe=${typeof pipe} (${pipe})`); } switch (pipe) { case "pipe": case undefined: case null: return "piped"; case "ignore": return "null"; case "inherit": return "inherit"; default: notImplemented(`toDenoStdio pipe=${typeof pipe} (${pipe})`); }}
function toDenoSignal(signal: number | string): Deno.Signal { if (typeof signal === "number") { for (const name of keys(os.signals)) { if (os.signals[name] === signal) { return name as Deno.Signal; } } throw new ERR_UNKNOWN_SIGNAL(String(signal)); }
const denoSignal = signal as Deno.Signal; if (os.signals[denoSignal] != null) { return denoSignal; } throw new ERR_UNKNOWN_SIGNAL(signal);}
function keys<T extends Record<string, unknown>>(object: T): Array<keyof T> { return Object.keys(object);}
export interface ChildProcessOptions { /** * Current working directory of the child process. */ cwd?: string;
/** * Environment variables passed to the child process. */ env?: Record<string, string | number | boolean>;
/** * This option defines child process's stdio configuration. * @see */ stdio?: Array<NodeStdio | number | Stream | null | undefined> | NodeStdio;
/** * NOTE: This option is not yet implemented. */ detached?: boolean;
/** * NOTE: This option is not yet implemented. */ uid?: number;
/** * NOTE: This option is not yet implemented. */ gid?: number;
/** * NOTE: This option is not yet implemented. */ argv0?: string;
/** * * If this option is `true`, run the command in the shell. * * If this option is a string, run the command in the specified shell. */ shell?: string | boolean;
/** * Allows aborting the child process using an AbortSignal. */ signal?: AbortSignal;
/** * NOTE: This option is not yet implemented. */ serialization?: "json" | "advanced";
/** * NOTE: This option is not yet implemented. * * @see * @see */ windowsVerbatimArguments?: boolean;
/** * NOTE: This option is not yet implemented. */ windowsHide?: boolean;}
function ensureClosed(closer: Deno.Closer): void { try { closer.close(); } catch (err) { if (isAlreadyClosed(err)) { return; } throw err; }}
function isAlreadyClosed(err: unknown): boolean { return err instanceof Deno.errors.BadResource || err instanceof Deno.errors.Interrupted;}
function createReadableFromReader( reader: Deno.Reader,): Readable { // TODO(uki00a): This could probably be more efficient. return Readable.from(cloneIterator(iterateReader(reader)), { objectMode: false, });}
async function* cloneIterator(iterator: AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array>) { try { for await (const chunk of iterator) { yield new Buffer(chunk); } } catch (e) { if (isAlreadyClosed(e)) { return; } throw e; }}
function createWritableFromStdin(stdin: Deno.Closer & Deno.Writer): Writable { const encoder = new TextEncoder(); return new Writable({ async write(chunk, encoding, callback) { try { if (encoding !== "buffer") { chunk = encoder.encode(chunk); } if (!(chunk instanceof Uint8Array)) { throw new TypeError( `Expected chunk to be of type Uint8Array, got ${typeof chunk}`, ); } await writeAll(stdin, chunk); callback(); } catch (err) { callback(err instanceof Error ? err : new Error("[non-error thrown]")); } }, final(callback) { try { ensureClosed(stdin); } catch (err) { callback(err instanceof Error ? err : new Error("[non-error thrown]")); } }, });}
function normalizeStdioOption( stdio: Array<NodeStdio | number | null | undefined | Stream> | NodeStdio = [ "pipe", "pipe", "pipe", ],) { if (Array.isArray(stdio)) { return stdio; } else { switch (stdio) { case "overlapped": if (isWindows) { notImplemented("normalizeStdioOption overlapped (on windows)"); } // 'overlapped' is same as 'piped' on non Windows system. return ["pipe", "pipe", "pipe"]; case "pipe": return ["pipe", "pipe", "pipe"]; case "inherit": return ["inherit", "inherit", "inherit"]; case "ignore": return ["ignore", "ignore", "ignore"]; default: notImplemented(`normalizeStdioOption stdio=${typeof stdio} (${stdio})`); } }}
function waitForReadableToClose(readable: Readable): Promise<void> { readable.resume(); // Ensure buffered data will be consumed. return waitForStreamToClose(readable as unknown as Stream);}
function waitForStreamToClose(stream: Stream): Promise<void> { const promise = deferred<void>(); const cleanup = () => { stream.removeListener("close", onClose); stream.removeListener("error", onError); }; const onClose = () => { cleanup(); promise.resolve(); }; const onError = (err: Error) => { cleanup(); promise.reject(err); }; stream.once("close", onClose); stream.once("error", onError); return promise;}
/** * This function is based on * Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license. */function buildCommand( file: string, args: string[], shell: string | boolean,): string[] { const command = [file, ...args].join(" "); if (shell) { // Set the shell, switches, and commands. if (isWindows) { // TODO(uki00a): Currently, due to escaping issues, it is difficult to reproduce the same behavior as Node.js's `child_process` module. // For more details, see the following issues: // * // * if (typeof shell === "string") { file = shell; } else { file = Deno.env.get("comspec") || "cmd.exe"; } // '/d /s /c' is used only for cmd.exe. if (/^(?:.*\\)?cmd(?:\.exe)?$/i.test(file)) { args = ["/d", "/s", "/c", `"${command}"`]; } else { args = ["-c", command]; } } else { if (typeof shell === "string") { file = shell; } else { file = "/bin/sh"; } args = ["-c", command]; } } return [file, ...args];}