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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { stripColor } from "../fmt/colors.ts";import { ensureDir } from "../fs/mod.ts";import { dirname, fromFileUrl, join } from "../path/mod.ts";import { assert, assertInstanceOf, AssertionError, fail } from "./asserts.ts";import { assertSnapshot } from "./snapshot.ts";
class TestClass { a = 1; b = 2; init() { this.b = 3; } get getA() { return this.a; } func() {}}
const map = new Map();map.set("Hello", "World!");map.set(() => "Hello", "World!");map.set(1, 2);
Deno.test("Snapshot Test", async (t) => { await assertSnapshot(t, { a: 1, b: 2 }); await assertSnapshot(t, new TestClass()); await assertSnapshot(t, map); await assertSnapshot(t, new Set([1, 2, 3])); await assertSnapshot(t, { fn() {} }); await assertSnapshot(t, function fn() {}); await assertSnapshot(t, [1, 2, 3]); await assertSnapshot(t, "hello world");});
Deno.test("Snapshot Test - step", async (t) => { await assertSnapshot(t, { a: 1, b: 2 }); await t.step("Nested", async (t) => { await assertSnapshot(t, new TestClass()); await assertSnapshot(t, map); await t.step("Nested Nested", async (t) => { await assertSnapshot(t, new Set([1, 2, 3])); await assertSnapshot(t, { fn() {} }); await assertSnapshot(t, function fn() {}); }); await assertSnapshot(t, [1, 2, 3]); }); await assertSnapshot(t, "hello world");});
Deno.test("Snapshot Test - Adverse String \\ ` ${}", async (t) => { await assertSnapshot(t, "\\ ` ${}");});
Deno.test("Snapshot Test - Failed Assertion", async (t) => { await t.step("Object", async (t) => { try { await assertSnapshot(t, [1, 2]); fail("Expected snapshot not to match"); } catch (error) { assertInstanceOf(error, AssertionError); await assertSnapshot(t, stripColor(error.message).split("\n")); } }); await t.step("String", async (t) => { try { await assertSnapshot(t, "Hello!"); fail("Expected snapshot not to match"); } catch (error) { assertInstanceOf(error, AssertionError); await assertSnapshot(t, stripColor(error.message).split("\n")); } });});
Deno.test("Snapshot Test - Update", async (t) => { const TEMP_DIR = ".tmp";
async function runTestWithUpdateFlag(test: string, deleteTempDir = true) { const testDir = dirname(fromFileUrl(import.meta.url)); const tempDir = join(testDir, TEMP_DIR); const tempTestFileName = "test.ts"; const tempTestFilePath = join(tempDir, tempTestFileName); await ensureDir(tempDir); await Deno.writeTextFile(tempTestFilePath, test);
const process = await{ cmd: ["deno", "test", "--allow-all", tempTestFilePath, "--", "-u"], stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped", }); const output = await process.output(); const error = await process.stderrOutput(); process.close();
if (deleteTempDir) { await Deno.remove(tempDir, { recursive: true }); }
return { output: new TextDecoder().decode(output), error: new TextDecoder().decode(error), }; }
function formatOutput(string: string) { // Strip colors and obfuscate any timings return stripColor(string).replace(/([0-9])+m?s/g, "--ms"); }
function formatError(string: string) { // Strip colors and remove "Check file:///workspaces/deno_std/testing/.tmp/test.ts" // as this is always output to stderr return stripColor(string).replace(/^Check file:\/\/(.+)\n/g, ""); }
/** * New snapshot */ const result1 = await runTestWithUpdateFlag( ` import { assertSnapshot } from "../snapshot.ts";
Deno.test("Snapshot Test - Update", async (t) => { await assertSnapshot(t, [ 1, 2, ]); }); `, false, );
await assertSnapshot(t, formatOutput(result1.output).split("\n")); assert(!formatError(result1.error), "unexpected output to stderr");
/** * Existing snapshot - no changes */ const result2 = await runTestWithUpdateFlag( ` import { assertSnapshot } from "../snapshot.ts";
Deno.test("Snapshot Test - Update", async (t) => { await assertSnapshot(t, [ 1, 2, ]); }); `, false, );
await assertSnapshot(t, formatOutput(result2.output).split("\n")); assert(!formatError(result2.error), "unexpected output to stderr");
/** * Existing snapshot - updates */ const result3 = await runTestWithUpdateFlag(` import { assertSnapshot } from "../snapshot.ts";
Deno.test("Snapshot Test - Update", async (t) => { await assertSnapshot(t, [ 1, 2, 3, 5, ]); }); `);
await assertSnapshot(t, formatOutput(result3.output).split("\n")); assert(!formatError(result3.error), "unexpected output to stderr");});
// Regression test for Long strings should not be truncated with ellipsisDeno.test("Snapshot Test - Regression #2140", async (t) => { await assertSnapshot(t, { title: "Testing a page", content: ` <h1>Testing a page</h1> <p>This is a test</p> <ul> <li>1</li> <li>2</li> <li>3</li> <li>4</li> </ul> `, });});
// Regression test for Empty arrays should be compactedDeno.test("Snapshot Test - Regression #2144", async (t) => { const config = { fmt: { files: { exclude: [], include: [], }, options: {}, }, }; await assertSnapshot(t, config);});