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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license./** * Dotenv config * @module */
import { difference, removeEmptyValues } from "./util.ts";
export interface DotenvConfig { [key: string]: string;}
export interface ConfigOptions { path?: string; export?: boolean; safe?: boolean; example?: string; allowEmptyValues?: boolean; defaults?: string;}
const RE_VariableStart = /^\s*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9 ]*\s*=/;const RE_SingleQuotes = /^'([\s\S]*)'$/;const RE_DoubleQuotes = /^"([\s\S]*)"$/;
export function parse(rawDotenv: string): DotenvConfig { const env: DotenvConfig = {};
for (const line of rawDotenv.split("\n")) { if (!RE_VariableStart.test(line)) continue; const eqIdx = line.indexOf("="); const key = line.slice(0, eqIdx).trim(); let value = line.slice(eqIdx + 1); const hashIdx = value.indexOf("#"); if (hashIdx >= 0) value = value.slice(0, hashIdx); value = value.trim(); if (RE_SingleQuotes.test(value)) { value = value.slice(1, -1); } else if (RE_DoubleQuotes.test(value)) { value = value.slice(1, -1); value = expandNewlines(value); } else value = value.trim(); env[key] = value; }
return env;}
const defaultConfigOptions = { path: `.env`, export: false, safe: false, example: `.env.example`, allowEmptyValues: false, defaults: `.env.defaults`,};
export function configSync(options: ConfigOptions = {}): DotenvConfig { const o: Required<ConfigOptions> = { ...defaultConfigOptions, ...options };
const conf = parseFile(o.path);
if (o.defaults) { const confDefaults = parseFile(o.defaults); for (const key in confDefaults) { if (!(key in conf)) { conf[key] = confDefaults[key]; } } }
if ( { const confExample = parseFile(o.example); assertSafe(conf, confExample, o.allowEmptyValues); }
if (o.export) { for (const key in conf) { if (Deno.env.get(key) !== undefined) continue; Deno.env.set(key, conf[key]); } }
return conf;}
export async function config( options: ConfigOptions = {},): Promise<DotenvConfig> { const o: Required<ConfigOptions> = { ...defaultConfigOptions, ...options };
const conf = await parseFileAsync(o.path);
if (o.defaults) { const confDefaults = await parseFileAsync(o.defaults); for (const key in confDefaults) { if (!(key in conf)) { conf[key] = confDefaults[key]; } } }
if ( { const confExample = await parseFileAsync(o.example); assertSafe(conf, confExample, o.allowEmptyValues); }
if (o.export) { for (const key in conf) { if (Deno.env.get(key) !== undefined) continue; Deno.env.set(key, conf[key]); } }
return conf;}
function parseFile(filepath: string) { try { // Avoid errors that occur in deno deploy // if (typeof Deno.readFileSync !== "function") { return {}; } return parse(new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(Deno.readFileSync(filepath))); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) return {}; throw e; }}
async function parseFileAsync(filepath: string) { try { return parse( new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(await Deno.readFile(filepath)), ); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) return {}; throw e; }}
function expandNewlines(str: string): string { return str.replaceAll("\\n", "\n");}
function assertSafe( conf: DotenvConfig, confExample: DotenvConfig, allowEmptyValues: boolean,) { const currentEnv = Deno.env.toObject();
// Not all the variables have to be defined in .env, they can be supplied externally const confWithEnv = Object.assign({}, currentEnv, conf);
const missing = difference( Object.keys(confExample), // If allowEmptyValues is false, filter out empty values from configuration Object.keys( allowEmptyValues ? confWithEnv : removeEmptyValues(confWithEnv), ), );
if (missing.length > 0) { const errorMessages = [ `The following variables were defined in the example file but are not present in the environment:\n ${ missing.join( ", ", ) }`, `Make sure to add them to your env file.`, !allowEmptyValues && `If you expect any of these variables to be empty, you can set the allowEmptyValues option to true.`, ];
throw new MissingEnvVarsError(errorMessages.filter(Boolean).join("\n\n")); }}
export class MissingEnvVarsError extends Error { constructor(message?: string) { super(message); = "MissingEnvVarsError"; Object.setPrototypeOf(this,; }}