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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
import * as hex from "../../encoding/hex.ts";
type SpongePermutator = (data: Uint8Array) => void;
/** Sponge construction option */export interface SpongeOption { bitsize: number; rate: number; dsbyte: number; permutator: SpongePermutator;}
export type Message = string | ArrayBuffer;
const STATE_SIZE = 200;const TYPE_ERROR_MSG = "sha3: `data` is invalid type";
/** Sponge construction */export class Sponge { #option: SpongeOption; #state: Uint8Array; #rp: number; #absorbing: boolean;
constructor(option: SpongeOption) { this.#option = option; this.#state = new Uint8Array(STATE_SIZE); this.#rp = 0; this.#absorbing = true; }
/** Applies padding to internal state */ #pad(): void { this.#state[this.#rp] ^= this.#option.dsbyte; this.#state[this.#option.rate - 1] ^= 0x80; }
/** Squeezes internal state */ protected squeeze(length: number): Uint8Array { if (length < 0) { throw new Error("sha3: length cannot be negative"); }
const hash = new Uint8Array(length); let pos = 0; while (length > 0) { const r = length > this.#option.rate ? this.#option.rate : length; this.#option.permutator(this.#state); hash.set(this.#state.slice(0, r), pos); length -= r; pos += r; }
this.#absorbing = false; return hash; }
/** Updates internal state by absorbing */ update(data: Message): this { if (!this.#absorbing) { throw new Error("sha3: cannot update already finalized hash"); }
let msg: Uint8Array;
if (typeof data === "string") { msg = new TextEncoder().encode(data as string); } else if (typeof data === "object") { if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) { msg = new Uint8Array(data); } else { throw new Error(TYPE_ERROR_MSG); } } else { throw new Error(TYPE_ERROR_MSG); }
let rp = this.#rp;
for (let i = 0; i < msg.length; ++i) { this.#state[rp++] ^= msg[i]; if (rp >= this.#option.rate) { this.#option.permutator(this.#state); rp = 0; } }
this.#rp = rp; return this; }
/** Returns the hash in ArrayBuffer */ digest(): ArrayBuffer { return this.squeeze(this.#option.bitsize >> 3); }
/** Returns the hash in given format */ toString(format: "hex" = "hex"): string { const rawOutput = this.squeeze(this.#option.bitsize >> 3); switch (format) { case "hex": return new TextDecoder().decode(hex.encode(rawOutput)); default: throw new Error("sha3: invalid output format"); } }}