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// deno-fmt-ignore-file// deno-lint-ignore-file
// Copyright Joyent and Node contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Taken from Node 16.13.0// This file is automatically generated by "node/_tools/setup.ts". Do not modify this file manually
'use strict';const common = require('../common');const assert = require('assert');const net = require('net');
// Regression test for Writing to a socket first tries to push through as much data as possible// without blocking synchronously, and, if that is not enough, queues more// data up for asynchronous writing.// Check that `bytesWritten` accounts for both parts of a write.
const N = 10000000;{ // Variant 1: Write a Buffer. const server = net.createServer(common.mustCall((socket) => { socket.end(Buffer.alloc(N), common.mustCall(() => { assert.strictEqual(socket.bytesWritten, N); })); assert.strictEqual(socket.bytesWritten, N); })).listen(0, common.mustCall(() => { const client = net.connect(server.address().port); client.resume(); client.on('close', common.mustCall(() => { assert.strictEqual(client.bytesRead, N); server.close(); })); }));}
{ // Variant 2: Write a string. const server = net.createServer(common.mustCall((socket) => { socket.end('a'.repeat(N), common.mustCall(() => { assert.strictEqual(socket.bytesWritten, N); })); assert.strictEqual(socket.bytesWritten, N); })).listen(0, common.mustCall(() => { const client = net.connect(server.address().port); client.resume(); client.on('close', common.mustCall(() => { assert.strictEqual(client.bytesRead, N); server.close(); })); }));}
{ // Variant 2: writev() with mixed data. const server = net.createServer(common.mustCall((socket) => { socket.cork(); socket.write('a'.repeat(N)); assert.strictEqual(socket.bytesWritten, N); socket.write(Buffer.alloc(N)); assert.strictEqual(socket.bytesWritten, 2 * N); socket.end('', common.mustCall(() => { assert.strictEqual(socket.bytesWritten, 2 * N); })); socket.uncork(); })).listen(0, common.mustCall(() => { const client = net.connect(server.address().port); client.resume(); client.on('close', common.mustCall(() => { assert.strictEqual(client.bytesRead, 2 * N); server.close(); })); }));}