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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { basename } from "../path.ts";import { EventEmitter } from "../events.ts";import { notImplemented } from "../_utils.ts";import { getValidatedPath } from "../internal/fs/utils.mjs";
export function asyncIterableIteratorToCallback<T>( iterator: AsyncIterableIterator<T>, callback: (val: T, done?: boolean) => void,) { function next() { => { if (obj.done) { callback(obj.value, true); return; } callback(obj.value); next(); }); } next();}
export function asyncIterableToCallback<T>( iter: AsyncIterable<T>, callback: (val: T, done?: boolean) => void, errCallback: (e: unknown) => void,) { const iterator = iter[Symbol.asyncIterator](); function next() { => { if (obj.done) { callback(obj.value, true); return; } callback(obj.value); next(); }, errCallback); } next();}
type watchOptions = { persistent?: boolean; recursive?: boolean; encoding?: string;};
type watchListener = (eventType: string, filename: string) => void;
export function watch( filename: string | URL, options: watchOptions, listener: watchListener,): FSWatcher;export function watch( filename: string | URL, listener: watchListener,): FSWatcher;export function watch( filename: string | URL, options: watchOptions,): FSWatcher;export function watch(filename: string | URL): FSWatcher;export function watch( filename: string | URL, optionsOrListener?: watchOptions | watchListener, optionsOrListener2?: watchOptions | watchListener,) { const listener = typeof optionsOrListener === "function" ? optionsOrListener : typeof optionsOrListener2 === "function" ? optionsOrListener2 : undefined; const options = typeof optionsOrListener === "object" ? optionsOrListener : typeof optionsOrListener2 === "object" ? optionsOrListener2 : undefined;
const watchPath = getValidatedPath(filename).toString();
let iterator: Deno.FsWatcher; // Start the actual watcher in the next event loop // to avoid error in compat test case (parallel/test-fs-watch.js) const timer = setTimeout(() => { iterator = Deno.watchFs(watchPath, { recursive: options?.recursive || false, });
asyncIterableToCallback<Deno.FsEvent>(iterator, (val, done) => { if (done) return; fsWatcher.emit( "change", convertDenoFsEventToNodeFsEvent(val.kind), basename(val.paths[0]), ); }, (e) => { fsWatcher.emit("error", e); }); }, 0);
const fsWatcher = new FSWatcher(() => { clearTimeout(timer); try { iterator?.close(); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Deno.errors.BadResource) { // already closed return; } throw e; } });
if (listener) { fsWatcher.on("change", listener); }
return fsWatcher;}
export { watch as watchFile };
class FSWatcher extends EventEmitter { #closer: () => void; #closed = false; constructor(closer: () => void) { super(); this.#closer = closer; } close() { if (this.#closed) { return; } this.#closed = true; this.emit("close"); this.#closer(); } ref() { notImplemented("FSWatcher.ref() is not implemented"); } unref() { notImplemented("FSWatcher.unref() is not implemented"); }}
type NodeFsEventType = "rename" | "change";
function convertDenoFsEventToNodeFsEvent( kind: Deno.FsEvent["kind"],): NodeFsEventType { if (kind === "create" || kind === "remove") { return "rename"; } else { return "change"; }}