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// Ported from js-yaml v3.13.1:// Copyright 2011-2015 by Vitaly Puzrin. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import type { YAMLError } from "../error.ts";import type { Schema, SchemaDefinition, TypeMap } from "../schema.ts";import { State } from "../state.ts";import type { Type } from "../type.ts";import type { Any, ArrayObject } from "../utils.ts";
export interface LoaderStateOptions { legacy?: boolean; listener?: ((...args: Any[]) => void) | null; /** string to be used as a file path in error/warning messages. */ filename?: string; /** specifies a schema to use. */ schema?: SchemaDefinition; /** compatibility with JSON.parse behaviour. */ json?: boolean; /** function to call on warning messages. */ onWarning?(this: null, e?: YAMLError): void;}
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport type ResultType = any[] | Record<string, any> | string;
export class LoaderState extends State { public documents: Any[] = []; public length: number; public lineIndent = 0; public lineStart = 0; public position = 0; public line = 0; public filename?: string; public onWarning?: (...args: Any[]) => void; public legacy: boolean; public json: boolean; public listener?: ((...args: Any[]) => void) | null; public implicitTypes: Type[]; public typeMap: TypeMap;
public version?: string | null; public checkLineBreaks?: boolean; public tagMap?: ArrayObject; public anchorMap?: ArrayObject; public tag?: string | null; public anchor?: string | null; public kind?: string | null; public result: ResultType | null = "";
constructor( public input: string, { filename, schema, onWarning, legacy = false, json = false, listener = null, }: LoaderStateOptions, ) { super(schema); this.filename = filename; this.onWarning = onWarning; this.legacy = legacy; this.json = json; this.listener = listener;
this.implicitTypes = (this.schema as Schema).compiledImplicit; this.typeMap = (this.schema as Schema).compiledTypeMap;
this.length = input.length; }}