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Deno standard library
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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { assert, assertEquals } from "../../testing/asserts.ts";
import { crypto as stdCrypto } from "../mod.ts";
const webCrypto = globalThis.crypto;
// Wasm is limited to 32-bit operations, which SHA-256 is optimized for, while// SHA-512 is optimized for 64-bit operations and may be slower.for (const algorithm of ["SHA-256", "SHA-512"] as const) { for ( const length of [ 64, 262_144, 4_194_304, 67_108_864, 524_291_328, ] as const ) { // Create a test input buffer and do some operations to hopefully ensure // it's fully initialized and not optimized away. const buffer = new Uint8Array(length); for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { buffer[i] = (i + (i % 13) + (i % 31)) % 255; } let sum = 0; for (const byte of buffer) { sum += byte; } assert(sum > 0);
for ( const implementation of [ "runtime WebCrypto (target)", "std/crypto Wasm (you are here)", ] as const ) { let lastDigest: ArrayBuffer | undefined;
Deno.bench({ name: `${algorithm.padEnd(12)} ${ length .toString() .padStart(12) }B ${implementation}`, async fn() { let digest; if (implementation === "std/crypto Wasm (you are here)") { digest = stdCrypto.subtle.digestSync(algorithm, buffer); } else if (implementation === "runtime WebCrypto (target)") { digest = await webCrypto.subtle.digest(algorithm, buffer); } else { throw new Error(`Unknown implementation ${implementation}`); }
assert(digest.byteLength > 0);
if (lastDigest) { assertEquals(lastDigest, digest); } lastDigest = digest; }, }); } }}