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Copyright 2022-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.

Test data for the program that checks imports in documentation.

import { a, b, c } from "file://a/b/c.ts";
import cheese from "../../goat.ts";
import purr from "";
import { meow } from "../cat.js";
import { woof } from "./dog.mjs";
import make, { Sound } from "";
import "https://something.somewhere";
import * as dotenv from "";
import { assertEquals } from "";
import { walk } from "";
import { x, y, z } from "";

let s = make("some noise") as Sound;
import deno from "land";

Another JSDoc comment with a code block. This helps testing line number calculation.

// A fake copyright notice
import generateMockCode from "npm:@generators/mock-code";

const a = 1;

function imitateSome(realCode) {
  return generateMockCode(realCode, a);

const deceptiveCode = imitateSome("var inception = true;");

A third one, just to be sure.

import something from "somewhere";

CaSe InSeNsItIvE.

import { Caffeine, Tannin } from "";
import { Hops, Yeast } from "";

Without a language specifier, defaulting to TypeScript.

import { juice } from "";

A language we don’t speak yet.
