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// deno-fmt-ignore-file// deno-lint-ignore-file
// Copyright Joyent and Node contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Taken from Node 18.12.0// This file is automatically generated by "node/_tools/setup.ts". Do not modify this file manually
'use strict';const common = require('../common');const stream = require('stream');const assert = require('assert');
// A consumer stream with a very low highWaterMark, which starts in a state// where it buffers the chunk it receives rather than indicating that they// have been consumed.const writable = new stream.Writable({ highWaterMark: 5});
let isCurrentlyBufferingWrites = true;const queue = [];
writable._write = (chunk, encoding, cb) => { if (isCurrentlyBufferingWrites) queue.push({ chunk, cb }); else cb();};
const readable = new stream.Readable({ read() {}});
readable.once('pause', common.mustCall(() => { assert.strictEqual( readable._readableState.awaitDrainWriters, writable, 'Expected awaitDrainWriters to be a Writable but instead got ' + `${readable._readableState.awaitDrainWriters}` ); // First pause, resume manually. The next write() to writable will still // return false, because chunks are still being buffered, so it will increase // the awaitDrain counter again.
process.nextTick(common.mustCall(() => { readable.resume(); }));
readable.once('pause', common.mustCall(() => { assert.strictEqual( readable._readableState.awaitDrainWriters, writable, '.resume() should not reset the awaitDrainWriters, but instead got ' + `${readable._readableState.awaitDrainWriters}` ); // Second pause, handle all chunks from now on. Once all callbacks that // are currently queued up are handled, the awaitDrain drain counter should // fall back to 0 and all chunks that are pending on the readable side // should be flushed. isCurrentlyBufferingWrites = false; for (const queued of queue) queued.cb(); }));}));
readable.push(Buffer.alloc(100)); // Fill the writable HWM, first 'pause'.readable.push(Buffer.alloc(100)); // Second 'pause'.readable.push(Buffer.alloc(100)); // Should get through to the writable.readable.push(null);
writable.on('finish', common.mustCall(() => { assert.strictEqual( readable._readableState.awaitDrainWriters, null, `awaitDrainWriters should be reset to null after all chunks are written but instead got ${readable._readableState.awaitDrainWriters}` ); // Everything okay, all chunks were written.}));