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// deno-fmt-ignore-file// deno-lint-ignore-file
// Copyright Joyent and Node contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Taken from Node 18.12.0// This file is automatically generated by "node/_tools/setup.ts". Do not modify this file manually
'use strict';
// From: With the twist that we specifically test for Node.js error codes
const common = require('../common');const assert = require('assert');
if (!common.hasIntl) common.skip('missing Intl');
{ [ { encoding: 'utf-8', sequence: [0xC0] }, { encoding: 'utf-16le', sequence: [0x00] }, { encoding: 'utf-16be', sequence: [0x00] }, ].forEach((testCase) => { const data = new Uint8Array([testCase.sequence]); assert.throws( () => { const decoder = new TextDecoder(testCase.encoding, { fatal: true }); decoder.decode(data); }, { code: 'ERR_ENCODING_INVALID_ENCODED_DATA', name: 'TypeError', message: `The encoded data was not valid for encoding ${testCase.encoding}` } ); });}
{ const decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-16le', { fatal: true }); const odd = new Uint8Array([0x00]); const even = new Uint8Array([0x00, 0x00]);
assert.throws( () => { decoder.decode(even, { stream: true }); decoder.decode(odd); }, { code: 'ERR_ENCODING_INVALID_ENCODED_DATA', name: 'TypeError', message: 'The encoded data was not valid for encoding utf-16le' } );
assert.throws( () => { decoder.decode(odd, { stream: true }); decoder.decode(even); }, { code: 'ERR_ENCODING_INVALID_ENCODED_DATA', name: 'TypeError', message: 'The encoded data was not valid for encoding utf-16le' } );}