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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// usage: deno run -A --unstable node/_tools/vendor_readable_stream.tsconst sourceUrl = "";const header = `// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Copyright Joyent and Node contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// deno-fmt-ignore-file// deno-lint-ignore-fileimport { nextTick } from "./_next_tick.ts";import { stdio } from "./_process/stdio.mjs";
`;const outputFile = new URL("../_stream.mjs", import.meta.url).pathname;const endMarker = "/* End bundle */";
// Download the readable-stream module.const res = await fetch(sourceUrl);let src = await res.text();
// Remove the AbortController fallback code since AbortController always// exists in Deno.src = src.replaceAll(/import { AbortController as.+?;/g, "");src = src.replaceAll("||__abort_controller$AbortController", "");
// Replace Node.js core module imports with Deno std modules.src = src.replaceAll(/"\/v\d+\/node_buffer.js"/g, '"./buffer.ts"');src = src.replaceAll(/"\/v\d+\/string_decoder.+?"/g, '"./string_decoder.ts"');src = src.replaceAll(/"\/v\d+\/events@.+?"/g, '"./events.ts"');
// Replace import of the Node.js process object with the APIs that are actually// used to avoid issues with circular imports.src = src.replaceAll( /import __process\$ from "\/v\d+\/process@.+?";/g, "const __process$ = { nextTick, stdio };",);
// Get any additional code from the end of the current file.const current = Deno.readTextFileSync(outputFile);const trailer = current.split(endMarker)[1] ?? "";
// Prepend copyrights, Deno tooling directives, and necessary imports and make// sure any code at the end of the file is maintained.src = header + src + endMarker + trailer;
// Update the local file.Deno.writeTextFileSync(outputFile, src);