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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and Node.js contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { Buffer } from "../buffer.ts";import { clearLine, clearScreenDown, cursorTo, moveCursor,} from "../internal/readline/callbacks.mjs";import { Readable, Writable } from "../stream.ts";import { stdio } from "./stdio.mjs";
// createWritableStdioStream(writer, name) { const stream = new Writable({ write(buf, enc, cb) { if (!writer) { this.destroy( new Error(`Deno.${name} is not available in this environment`), ); return; } writer.writeSync(buf instanceof Uint8Array ? buf : Buffer.from(buf, enc)); cb(); }, destroy(err, cb) { cb(err); this._undestroy(); if (!this._writableState.emitClose) { nextTick(() => this.emit("close")); } }, }); stream.fd = writer?.rid ?? -1; stream.destroySoon = stream.destroy; stream._isStdio = true; stream.once("close", () => writer?.close()); Object.defineProperties(stream, { columns: { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: () => Deno.isatty?.(writer?.rid) ? Deno.consoleSize?.().columns : undefined, }, rows: { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: () => Deno.isatty?.(writer?.rid) ? Deno.consoleSize?.().rows : undefined, }, isTTY: { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get: () => Deno.isatty?.(writer?.rid), }, getWindowSize: { enumerable: true, configurable: true, value: () => Deno.isatty?.(writer?.rid) ? Object.values(Deno.consoleSize?.()) : undefined, }, });
if (Deno.isatty?.(writer?.rid)) { // These belong on tty.WriteStream(), but the TTY streams currently have // following problems: // 1. Using them here introduces a circular dependency. // 2. Creating a net.Socket() from a fd is not currently supported. stream.cursorTo = function (x, y, callback) { return cursorTo(this, x, y, callback); };
stream.moveCursor = function (dx, dy, callback) { return moveCursor(this, dx, dy, callback); };
stream.clearLine = function (dir, callback) { return clearLine(this, dir, callback); };
stream.clearScreenDown = function (callback) { return clearScreenDown(this, callback); }; }
return stream;}
/** */export const stderr = stdio.stderr = createWritableStdioStream( Deno.stderr, "stderr",);
/** */export const stdout = stdio.stdout = createWritableStdioStream( Deno.stdout, "stdout",);
/** */export const stdin = stdio.stdin = new Readable({ highWaterMark: 0, emitClose: false, read(size) { const p = Buffer.alloc(size || 16 * 1024);
if (!Deno.stdin) { this.destroy( new Error("Deno.stdin is not available in this environment"), ); return; } => { this.push(length === null ? null : p.slice(0, length)); }, (error) => { this.destroy(error); }); },});stdin.on("close", () => Deno.stdin?.close());stdin.fd = Deno.stdin?.rid ?? -1;Object.defineProperty(stdin, "isTTY", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get() { return Deno.isatty?.(Deno.stdin.rid); },});stdin._isRawMode = false;stdin.setRawMode = (enable) => { Deno.stdin?.setRaw?.(enable); stdin._isRawMode = enable; return stdin;};Object.defineProperty(stdin, "isRaw", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get() { return stdin._isRawMode; },});