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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
import { ArrayPrototypeJoin, ArrayPrototypePush } from "../primordials.mjs";
import { CSI } from "./utils.mjs";import { validateBoolean, validateInteger } from "../validators.mjs";import { isWritable } from "../streams/utils.mjs";import { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE } from "../errors.ts";
const { kClearToLineBeginning, kClearToLineEnd, kClearLine, kClearScreenDown,} = CSI;
export class Readline { #autoCommit = false; #stream; #todo = [];
constructor(stream, options = undefined) { if (!isWritable(stream)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE("stream", "Writable", stream); } this.#stream = stream; if (options?.autoCommit != null) { validateBoolean(options.autoCommit, "options.autoCommit"); this.#autoCommit = options.autoCommit; } }
/** * Moves the cursor to the x and y coordinate on the given stream. * @param {integer} x * @param {integer} [y] * @returns {Readline} this */ cursorTo(x, y = undefined) { validateInteger(x, "x"); if (y != null) validateInteger(y, "y");
const data = y == null ? CSI`${x + 1}G` : CSI`${y + 1};${x + 1}H`; if (this.#autoCommit) process.nextTick(() => this.#stream.write(data)); else ArrayPrototypePush(this.#todo, data);
return this; }
/** * Moves the cursor relative to its current location. * @param {integer} dx * @param {integer} dy * @returns {Readline} this */ moveCursor(dx, dy) { if (dx || dy) { validateInteger(dx, "dx"); validateInteger(dy, "dy");
let data = "";
if (dx < 0) { data += CSI`${-dx}D`; } else if (dx > 0) { data += CSI`${dx}C`; }
if (dy < 0) { data += CSI`${-dy}A`; } else if (dy > 0) { data += CSI`${dy}B`; } if (this.#autoCommit) process.nextTick(() => this.#stream.write(data)); else ArrayPrototypePush(this.#todo, data); } return this; }
/** * Clears the current line the cursor is on. * @param {-1|0|1} dir Direction to clear: * -1 for left of the cursor * +1 for right of the cursor * 0 for the entire line * @returns {Readline} this */ clearLine(dir) { validateInteger(dir, "dir", -1, 1);
const data = dir < 0 ? kClearToLineBeginning : dir > 0 ? kClearToLineEnd : kClearLine; if (this.#autoCommit) process.nextTick(() => this.#stream.write(data)); else ArrayPrototypePush(this.#todo, data); return this; }
/** * Clears the screen from the current position of the cursor down. * @returns {Readline} this */ clearScreenDown() { if (this.#autoCommit) { process.nextTick(() => this.#stream.write(kClearScreenDown)); } else { ArrayPrototypePush(this.#todo, kClearScreenDown); } return this; }
/** * Sends all the pending actions to the associated `stream` and clears the * internal list of pending actions. * @returns {Promise<void>} Resolves when all pending actions have been * flushed to the associated `stream`. */ commit() { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.#stream.write(ArrayPrototypeJoin(this.#todo, ""), resolve); this.#todo = []; }); }
/** * Clears the internal list of pending actions without sending it to the * associated `stream`. * @returns {Readline} this */ rollback() { this.#todo = []; return this; }}
export default Readline;