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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { assertEquals, assertInstanceOf } from "../testing/asserts.ts";import { delay } from "../async/delay.ts";import { deferred } from "../async/deferred.ts";import { fromFileUrl, join } from "./path.ts";import { serveTls } from "../http/server.ts";import * as tls from "./tls.ts";import * as net from "./net.ts";import * as stream from "./stream.ts";
const tlsTestdataDir = fromFileUrl( new URL("../http/testdata/tls", import.meta.url),);const keyFile = join(tlsTestdataDir, "localhost.key");const certFile = join(tlsTestdataDir, "localhost.crt");const key = await Deno.readTextFile(keyFile);const cert = await Deno.readTextFile(certFile);const rootCaCert = await Deno.readTextFile(join(tlsTestdataDir, "RootCA.pem"));
Deno.test("tls.connect makes tls connection", async () => { const ctl = new AbortController(); const serve = serveTls(() => new Response("hello"), { port: 8443, keyFile, certFile, signal: ctl.signal, });
await delay(200);
const conn = tls.connect({ port: 8443, secureContext: { ca: rootCaCert, }, }); conn.write(`GET / HTTP/1.1Host: localhostConnection: close
`); conn.on("data", (chunk) => { const text = new TextDecoder().decode(chunk); const bodyText = text.split("\r\n\r\n").at(-1)?.trim(); assertEquals(bodyText, "hello"); conn.destroy(); ctl.abort(); });
await serve;});
Deno.test("tls.createServer creates a TLS server", async () => { const p = deferred(); const server = tls.createServer( { host: "", key, cert }, (socket: net.Socket) => { socket.write("welcome!\n"); socket.setEncoding("utf8"); socket.pipe(socket).on("data", (data) => { if (data.toString().trim() === "goodbye") { socket.destroy(); } }); }, ); server.listen(0, async () => { const conn = await Deno.connectTls({ hostname: "", port: server.address().port, caCerts: [rootCaCert], });
const buf = new Uint8Array(100); await, buf); let text: string; text = new TextDecoder().decode(buf); assertEquals(text.replaceAll("\0", ""), "welcome!\n"); buf.fill(0);
Deno.write(conn.rid, new TextEncoder().encode("hey\n")); await, buf); text = new TextDecoder().decode(buf); assertEquals(text.replaceAll("\0", ""), "hey\n"); buf.fill(0);
Deno.write(conn.rid, new TextEncoder().encode("goodbye\n")); await, buf); text = new TextDecoder().decode(buf); assertEquals(text.replaceAll("\0", ""), "goodbye\n");
conn.close(); server.close(); p.resolve(); }); await p;});
Deno.test("TLSSocket can construct without options", () => { new tls.TLSSocket(new stream.PassThrough());});
Deno.test("tlssocket._handle._parentWrap is set", () => { // Note: This feature is used in popular 'http2-wrapper' module // const parentWrap = // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any (new tls.TLSSocket(new stream.PassThrough(), {})._handle as any)! ._parentWrap; assertInstanceOf(parentWrap, stream.PassThrough);});