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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Copyright Joyent and Node contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any
import { ObjectAssign, StringPrototypeReplace,} from "./internal/primordials.mjs";import assert from "./internal/assert.mjs";import * as net from "./net.ts";import { createSecureContext } from "./_tls_common.ts";import { kStreamBaseField } from "./internal_binding/stream_wrap.ts";import { connResetException } from "./internal/errors.ts";import { emitWarning } from "./process.ts";import { debuglog } from "./internal/util/debuglog.ts";import { constants as TCPConstants, TCP } from "./internal_binding/tcp_wrap.ts";import { constants as PipeConstants, Pipe,} from "./internal_binding/pipe_wrap.ts";import { EventEmitter } from "./events.ts";import { kEmptyObject } from "./internal/util.mjs";import { nextTick } from "./_next_tick.ts";
const kConnectOptions = Symbol("connect-options");const kIsVerified = Symbol("verified");const kPendingSession = Symbol("pendingSession");const kRes = Symbol("res");
let debug = debuglog("tls", (fn) => { debug = fn;});
function onConnectEnd(this: any) { // NOTE: This logic is shared with _http_client.js if (!this._hadError) { const options = this[kConnectOptions]; this._hadError = true; const error: any = connResetException( "Client network socket disconnected " + "before secure TLS connection was " + "established", ); error.path = options.path; =; error.port = options.port; error.localAddress = options.localAddress; this.destroy(error); }}
export class TLSSocket extends net.Socket { _tlsOptions: any; _secureEstablished: boolean; _securePending: boolean; _newSessionPending: boolean; _controlReleased: boolean; secureConnecting: boolean; _SNICallback: any; servername: string | null; alpnProtocol: any; authorized: boolean; authorizationError: any; [kRes]: any; [kIsVerified]: boolean; [kPendingSession]: any; [kConnectOptions]: any; ssl: any; _start: any; constructor(socket: any, opts: any = kEmptyObject) { const tlsOptions = { ...opts };
let hostname = tlsOptions?.secureContext?.servername; hostname =; tlsOptions.hostname = hostname;
const _cert = tlsOptions?.secureContext?.cert; const _key = tlsOptions?.secureContext?.key;
let caCerts = tlsOptions?.secureContext?.ca; if (typeof caCerts === "string") caCerts = [caCerts]; tlsOptions.caCerts = caCerts;
super({ handle: _wrapHandle(tlsOptions, socket), ...opts, manualStart: true, // This prevents premature reading from TLS handle }); if (socket) { this._parent = socket; } this._tlsOptions = tlsOptions; this._secureEstablished = false; this._securePending = false; this._newSessionPending = false; this._controlReleased = false; this.secureConnecting = true; this._SNICallback = null; this.servername = null; this.alpnProtocol = null; this.authorized = false; this.authorizationError = null; this[kRes] = null; this[kIsVerified] = false; this[kPendingSession] = null;
this.ssl = new class { verifyError() { return null; // Never fails, rejectUnauthorized is always true in Deno. } }();
// deno-lint-ignore no-this-alias const tlssock = this;
/** Wraps the given socket and adds the tls capability to the underlying * handle */ function _wrapHandle(tlsOptions: any, wrap: net.Socket | undefined) { let handle: any;
if (wrap) { handle = wrap._handle; }
const options = tlsOptions; if (!handle) { handle = options.pipe ? new Pipe(PipeConstants.SOCKET) : new TCP(TCPConstants.SOCKET); }
// Patches `afterConnect` hook to replace TCP conn with TLS conn const afterConnect = handle.afterConnect; handle.afterConnect = async (req: any, status: number) => { try { const conn = await Deno.startTls(handle[kStreamBaseField], options); tlssock.emit("secure"); tlssock.removeListener("end", onConnectEnd); handle[kStreamBaseField] = conn; } catch { // TODO(kt3k): Handle this } return, req, status); };
(handle as any).verifyError = function () { return null; // Never fails, rejectUnauthorized is always true in Deno. }; // Pretends `handle` is `tls_wrap.wrap(handle, ...)` to make some npm modules happy // An example usage of `_parentWrap` in npm module: // handle._parent = handle; handle._parentWrap = wrap;
return handle; } }
_tlsError(err: Error) { this.emit("_tlsError", err); if (this._controlReleased) { return err; } return null; }
_releaseControl() { if (this._controlReleased) { return false; } this._controlReleased = true; this.removeListener("error", this._tlsError); return true; }
getEphemeralKeyInfo() { return {}; }
isSessionReused() { return false; }
setSession(_session: any) { // TODO(kt3k): implement this }
setServername(_servername: any) { // TODO(kt3k): implement this }
getPeerCertificate(_detailed: boolean) { // TODO(kt3k): implement this return { subject: "localhost", subjectaltname: "IP Address:, IP Address:::1", }; }}
function normalizeConnectArgs(listArgs: any) { const args = net._normalizeArgs(listArgs); const options = args[0]; const cb = args[1];
// If args[0] was options, then normalize dealt with it. // If args[0] is port, or args[0], args[1] is host, port, we need to // find the options and merge them in, normalize's options has only // the host/port/path args that it knows about, not the tls options. // This means that overrides a host arg. if (listArgs[1] !== null && typeof listArgs[1] === "object") { ObjectAssign(options, listArgs[1]); } else if (listArgs[2] !== null && typeof listArgs[2] === "object") { ObjectAssign(options, listArgs[2]); }
return cb ? [options, cb] : [options];}
let ipServernameWarned = false;
export function Server(options: any, listener: any) { return new ServerImpl(options, listener);}
export class ServerImpl extends EventEmitter { listener?: Deno.TlsListener; #closed = false; constructor(public options: any, listener: any) { super(); if (listener) { this.on("secureConnection", listener); } }
listen(port: any, callback: any): this { const key = this.options.key?.toString(); const cert = this.options.cert?.toString(); // TODO(kt3k): The default host should be "localhost" const hostname = ?? "";
this.listener = Deno.listenTls({ port, hostname, cert, key });
callback?.call(this); this.#listen(this.listener); return this; }
async #listen(listener: Deno.TlsListener) { while (!this.#closed) { try { // Creates TCP handle and socket directly from Deno.TlsConn. // This works as TLS socket. We don't use TLSSocket class for doing // this because Deno.startTls only supports client side tcp connection. const handle = new TCP(TCPConstants.SOCKET, await listener.accept()); const socket = new net.Socket({ handle }); this.emit("secureConnection", socket); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Deno.errors.BadResource) { this.#closed = true; } // swallow } } }
close(cb?: (err?: Error) => void): this { if (this.listener) { this.listener.close(); } cb?.(); nextTick(() => { this.emit("close"); }); return this; }
address() { const addr = this.listener!.addr as Deno.NetAddr; return { port: addr.port, address: addr.hostname, }; }}
Server.prototype = ServerImpl.prototype;
export function createServer(options: any, listener: any) { return new ServerImpl(options, listener);}
function onConnectSecure(this: TLSSocket) { this.authorized = true; this.secureConnecting = false; debug("client emit secureConnect. authorized:", this.authorized); this.emit("secureConnect");
this.removeListener("end", onConnectEnd);}
export function connect(...args: any[]) { args = normalizeConnectArgs(args); let options = args[0]; const cb = args[1]; const allowUnauthorized = getAllowUnauthorized();
options = { rejectUnauthorized: !allowUnauthorized, ciphers: DEFAULT_CIPHERS, checkServerIdentity, minDHSize: 1024, ...options, };
if (!options.keepAlive) { options.singleUse = true; }
assert(typeof options.checkServerIdentity === "function"); assert( typeof options.minDHSize === "number", "options.minDHSize is not a number: " + options.minDHSize, ); assert( options.minDHSize > 0, "options.minDHSize is not a positive number: " + options.minDHSize, );
const context = options.secureContext || createSecureContext(options);
const tlssock = new TLSSocket(options.socket, { allowHalfOpen: options.allowHalfOpen, pipe: !!options.path, secureContext: context, isServer: false, requestCert: true, rejectUnauthorized: options.rejectUnauthorized !== false, session: options.session, ALPNProtocols: options.ALPNProtocols, requestOCSP: options.requestOCSP, enableTrace: options.enableTrace, pskCallback: options.pskCallback, highWaterMark: options.highWaterMark, onread: options.onread, signal: options.signal, ...options, // Caveat emptor: Node does not do this. });
// rejectUnauthorized property can be explicitly defined as `undefined` // causing the assignment to default value (`true`) fail. Before assigning // it to the tlssock connection options, explicitly check if it is false // and update rejectUnauthorized property. The property gets used by TLSSocket // connection handler to allow or reject connection if unauthorized options.rejectUnauthorized = options.rejectUnauthorized !== false;
tlssock[kConnectOptions] = options;
if (cb) { tlssock.once("secureConnect", cb); }
if (!options.socket) { // If user provided the socket, it's their responsibility to manage its // connectivity. If we created one internally, we connect it. if (options.timeout) { tlssock.setTimeout(options.timeout); }
tlssock.connect(options, tlssock._start); }
if (options.session) { tlssock.setSession(options.session); }
if (options.servername) { if (!ipServernameWarned && net.isIP(options.servername)) { emitWarning( "Setting the TLS ServerName to an IP address is not permitted by " + "RFC 6066. This will be ignored in a future version.", "DeprecationWarning", "DEP0123", ); ipServernameWarned = true; } tlssock.setServername(options.servername); }
if (options.socket) { tlssock._start(); }
tlssock.on("secure", onConnectSecure); tlssock.prependListener("end", onConnectEnd);
return tlssock;}
function getAllowUnauthorized() { return false;}
// TODO(kt3k): Implement this when Deno provides APIs for getting peer// certificates.export function checkServerIdentity(_hostname: string, _cert: any) {}
function unfqdn(host: string): string { return StringPrototypeReplace(host, /[.]$/, "");}
// Order matters. Mirrors ALL_CIPHER_SUITES from rustls/src/ but// using openssl cipher names instead. Mutable in Node but not (yet) in Deno.export const DEFAULT_CIPHERS = [ // TLSv1.3 suites "AES256-GCM-SHA384", "AES128-GCM-SHA256", "TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256", // TLSv1.2 suites "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384", "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256", "ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305", "ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384", "ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256", "ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305",].join(":");
export default { TLSSocket, connect, createServer, checkServerIdentity, DEFAULT_CIPHERS, Server, unfqdn,};