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The Standard Library has been moved to JSR. See the blog post for details.
class LibuvStreamWrap
extends HandleWrap
import { LibuvStreamWrap } from "";


LibuvStreamWrap(provider: providerType, stream?:
& Ref


bytesRead: number
bytesWritten: number
destroyed: boolean
onread: (_arrayBuffer: Uint8Array, _nread: number) => Uint8Array | undefined
reading: boolean
writeQueueSize: number
& Ref


_onClose(): number
readStart(): number

Start the reading of the stream.

readStop(): number

Stop the reading of the stream.

Shutdown the stream.

useUserBuffer(_userBuf: unknown): number
writeAsciiString(req: WriteWrap<LibuvStreamWrap>, data: string): number

Write an ASCII string to the stream.

writeBuffer(req: WriteWrap<LibuvStreamWrap>, data: Uint8Array): number

Write a buffer to the stream.

writeLatin1String(req: WriteWrap<LibuvStreamWrap>, data: string): number

Write an LATIN1 string to the stream.

writeUcs2String(_req: WriteWrap<LibuvStreamWrap>, _data: string): number

Write an UCS2 string to the stream.

writeUtf8String(req: WriteWrap<LibuvStreamWrap>, data: string): number

Write an UTF8 string to the stream.

chunks: Buffer[] | (string | Buffer)[],
allBuffers: boolean,
): number

Write multiple chunks at once.