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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { withoutAll } from "../../collections/without_all.ts";import { walk } from "../../fs/walk.ts";import { relative } from "../path/posix.ts";import config from "./config.json" assert { type: "json" };
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const NODE_BASE_URL = "";const NODE_IGNORED_TEST_DIRS = [ "addons", "async-hooks", "cctest", "common", "doctool", "embedding", "fixtures", "fuzzers", "js-native-api", "node-api", "overlapped-checker", "report", "testpy", "tick-processor", "tools", "v8-updates", "wasi", "wpt",];
async function getNodeTests(): Promise<string[]> { const paths: string[] = []; const root = new URL( `versions/node-v${config.nodeVersion}/test`, import.meta.url, ); const rootPath = root.href.slice(7); for await (const item of walk(root, { includeDirs: false, exts: [".js"] })) { const path = relative(rootPath, item.path); if (NODE_IGNORED_TEST_DIRS.every((dir) => !path.startsWith(dir))) { paths.push(path); } }
return paths.sort();}
function getDenoTests(): string[] { return Object.entries(config.tests) .filter(([testDir]) => !NODE_IGNORED_TEST_DIRS.includes(testDir)) .flatMap(([testDir, tests]) => => testDir + "/" + test));}
async function getMissingTests(): Promise<string[]> { const nodeTests = await getNodeTests();
const denoTests = await getDenoTests();
return withoutAll(nodeTests, denoTests);}
export async function updateToDo() { const file = await URL("./", import.meta.url), { write: true, create: true, truncate: true, });
const missingTests = await getMissingTests();
await file.write(encoder.encode("# Remaining Node Tests\n\n")); await file.write( encoder.encode( "NOTE: This file should not be manually edited. Please edit `config.json` and run `deno task node:setup` instead.\n\n", ), ); await file.write( encoder.encode(`Total: ${missingTests.length}\n\n`), );
for (const test of missingTests) { await file.write( encoder.encode( `- [${test}](${ NODE_BASE_URL + `/tree/v${config.nodeVersion}/test/` + test })\n`, ), ); }
if (import.meta.main) { await updateToDo();}