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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import Dir from "./_fs_dir.ts";import { Buffer } from "../buffer.ts";import { getOptions, getValidatedPath } from "../internal/fs/utils.mjs";import { denoErrorToNodeError } from "../internal/errors.ts";import { validateFunction, validateInteger } from "../internal/validators.mjs";import { promisify } from "../internal/util.mjs";
/** These options aren't funcitonally used right now, as `Dir` doesn't yet support them. * However, these values are still validated. */type Options = { encoding?: string; bufferSize?: number;};type Callback = (err?: Error | null, dir?: Dir) => void;
function _validateFunction(callback: unknown): asserts callback is Callback { validateFunction(callback, "callback");}
/** @link */export function opendir( path: string | Buffer | URL, options: Options | Callback, callback?: Callback,) { callback = typeof options === "function" ? options : callback; _validateFunction(callback);
path = getValidatedPath(path).toString();
let err, dir; try { const { bufferSize } = getOptions(options, { encoding: "utf8", bufferSize: 32, }); validateInteger(bufferSize, "options.bufferSize", 1, 4294967295);
/** Throws if path is invalid */ Deno.readDirSync(path);
dir = new Dir(path); } catch (error) { err = denoErrorToNodeError(error as Error, { syscall: "opendir" }); } if (err) { callback(err); } else { callback(null, dir); }}
/** @link */export const opendirPromise = promisify(opendir) as ( path: string | Buffer | URL, options?: Options,) => Promise<Dir>;
export function opendirSync( path: string | Buffer | URL, options?: Options,): Dir { path = getValidatedPath(path).toString();
const { bufferSize } = getOptions(options, { encoding: "utf8", bufferSize: 32, });
validateInteger(bufferSize, "options.bufferSize", 1, 4294967295);
try { /** Throws if path is invalid */ Deno.readDirSync(path);
return new Dir(path); } catch (err) { throw denoErrorToNodeError(err as Error, { syscall: "opendir" }); }}