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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and Node.js contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE } from "../errors.ts";import { kEmptyObject } from "../util.mjs";import { deprecate } from "../../util.ts";import { validateFunction, validateInteger } from "../validators.mjs";import { errorOrDestroy } from "../streams/destroy.mjs";import { open as fsOpen } from "../../_fs/_fs_open.ts";import { read as fsRead } from "../../_fs/_fs_read.ts";import { write as fsWrite } from "../../_fs/_fs_write.mjs";import { writev as fsWritev } from "../../_fs/_fs_writev.mjs";import { close as fsClose } from "../../_fs/_fs_close.ts";import { Buffer } from "../../buffer.ts";import { copyObject, getOptions, getValidatedFd, validatePath,} from "./utils.mjs";import { finished, Readable, Writable } from "../../stream.ts";import { toPathIfFileURL } from "../url.ts";import { nextTick } from "../../_next_tick.ts";const kIoDone = Symbol("kIoDone");const kIsPerformingIO = Symbol("kIsPerformingIO");
const kFs = Symbol("kFs");
function _construct(callback) { // deno-lint-ignore no-this-alias const stream = this; if (typeof stream.fd === "number") { callback(); return; }
if ( !== openWriteFs && !== openReadFs) { // Backwards compat for monkey patching open(). const orgEmit = stream.emit; stream.emit = function (...args) { if (args[0] === "open") { this.emit = orgEmit; callback(); Reflect.apply(orgEmit, this, args); } else if (args[0] === "error") { this.emit = orgEmit; callback(args[1]); } else { Reflect.apply(orgEmit, this, args); } };; } else { stream[kFs].open( stream.path.toString(), stream.flags, stream.mode, (er, fd) => { if (er) { callback(er); } else { stream.fd = fd; callback(); stream.emit("open", stream.fd); stream.emit("ready"); } }, ); }}
function close(stream, err, cb) { if (!stream.fd) { cb(err); } else { stream[kFs].close(stream.fd, (er) => { cb(er || err); }); stream.fd = null; }}
function importFd(stream, options) { if (typeof options.fd === "number") { // When fd is a raw descriptor, we must keep our fingers crossed // that the descriptor won't get closed, or worse, replaced with // another one // if (stream instanceof ReadStream) { stream[kFs] = options.fs || { read: fsRead, close: fsClose }; } if (stream instanceof WriteStream) { stream[kFs] = options.fs || { write: fsWrite, writev: fsWritev, close: fsClose }; } return options.fd; }
throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE("options.fd", ["number"], options.fd);}
export function ReadStream(path, options) { if (!(this instanceof ReadStream)) { return new ReadStream(path, options); }
// A little bit bigger buffer and water marks by default options = copyObject(getOptions(options, kEmptyObject)); if (options.highWaterMark === undefined) { options.highWaterMark = 64 * 1024; }
if (options.autoDestroy === undefined) { options.autoDestroy = false; }
if (options.fd == null) { this.fd = null; this[kFs] = options.fs || { open: fsOpen, read: fsRead, close: fsClose }; validateFunction(this[kFs].open, "");
// Path will be ignored when fd is specified, so it can be falsy this.path = toPathIfFileURL(path); this.flags = options.flags === undefined ? "r" : options.flags; this.mode = options.mode === undefined ? 0o666 : options.mode;
validatePath(this.path); } else { this.fd = getValidatedFd(importFd(this, options)); }
options.autoDestroy = options.autoClose === undefined ? true : options.autoClose;
validateFunction(this[kFs].read, "");
if (options.autoDestroy) { validateFunction(this[kFs].close, "options.fs.close"); }
this.start = options.start; this.end = options.end ?? Infinity; this.pos = undefined; this.bytesRead = 0; this[kIsPerformingIO] = false;
if (this.start !== undefined) { validateInteger(this.start, "start", 0);
this.pos = this.start; }
if (this.end !== Infinity) { validateInteger(this.end, "end", 0);
if (this.start !== undefined && this.start > this.end) { throw new ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE( "start", `<= "end" (here: ${this.end})`, this.start, ); } }
Reflect.apply(Readable, this, [options]);}
Object.setPrototypeOf(ReadStream.prototype, Readable.prototype);Object.setPrototypeOf(ReadStream, Readable);
Object.defineProperty(ReadStream.prototype, "autoClose", { get() { return this._readableState.autoDestroy; }, set(val) { this._readableState.autoDestroy = val; },});
const openReadFs = deprecate( function () { // Noop. }, " is deprecated", "DEP0135",); = openReadFs;
ReadStream.prototype._construct = _construct;
ReadStream.prototype._read = async function (n) { n = this.pos !== undefined ? Math.min(this.end - this.pos + 1, n) : Math.min(this.end - this.bytesRead + 1, n);
if (n <= 0) { this.push(null); return; }
const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(n);
let error = null; let bytesRead = null; let buffer = undefined;
this[kIsPerformingIO] = true;
await new Promise((resolve) => { this[kFs] .read( this.fd, buf, 0, n, this.pos ?? null, (_er, _bytesRead, _buf) => { error = _er; bytesRead = _bytesRead; buffer = _buf; return resolve(true); }, ); });
this[kIsPerformingIO] = false;
// Tell ._destroy() that it's safe to close the fd now. if (this.destroyed) { this.emit(kIoDone, error); return; }
if (error) { errorOrDestroy(this, error); } else if ( typeof bytesRead === "number" && bytesRead > 0 ) { if (this.pos !== undefined) { this.pos += bytesRead; }
this.bytesRead += bytesRead;
if (bytesRead !== buffer.length) { // Slow path. Shrink to fit. // Copy instead of slice so that we don't retain // large backing buffer for small reads. const dst = Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(bytesRead); buffer.copy(dst, 0, 0, bytesRead); buffer = dst; }
this.push(buffer); } else { this.push(null); }};
ReadStream.prototype._destroy = function (err, cb) { // Usually for async IO it is safe to close a file descriptor // even when there are pending operations. However, due to platform // differences file IO is implemented using synchronous operations // running in a thread pool. Therefore, file descriptors are not safe // to close while used in a pending read or write operation. Wait for // any pending IO (kIsPerformingIO) to complete (kIoDone). if (this[kIsPerformingIO]) { this.once(kIoDone, (er) => close(this, err || er, cb)); } else { close(this, err, cb); }};
ReadStream.prototype.close = function (cb) { if (typeof cb === "function") finished(this, cb); this.destroy();};
Object.defineProperty(ReadStream.prototype, "pending", { get() { return this.fd === null; }, configurable: true,});
export function WriteStream(path, options) { if (!(this instanceof WriteStream)) { return new WriteStream(path, options); }
options = copyObject(getOptions(options, kEmptyObject));
// Only buffers are supported. options.decodeStrings = true;
if (options.fd == null) { this.fd = null; this[kFs] = options.fs || { open: fsOpen, write: fsWrite, writev: fsWritev, close: fsClose }; validateFunction(this[kFs].open, "");
// Path will be ignored when fd is specified, so it can be falsy this.path = toPathIfFileURL(path); this.flags = options.flags === undefined ? "w" : options.flags; this.mode = options.mode === undefined ? 0o666 : options.mode;
validatePath(this.path); } else { this.fd = getValidatedFd(importFd(this, options)); }
options.autoDestroy = options.autoClose === undefined ? true : options.autoClose;
if (!this[kFs].write && !this[kFs].writev) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE( "options.fs.write", "function", this[kFs].write, ); }
if (this[kFs].write) { validateFunction(this[kFs].write, "options.fs.write"); }
if (this[kFs].writev) { validateFunction(this[kFs].writev, "options.fs.writev"); }
if (options.autoDestroy) { validateFunction(this[kFs].close, "options.fs.close"); }
// It's enough to override either, in which case only one will be used. if (!this[kFs].write) { this._write = null; } if (!this[kFs].writev) { this._writev = null; }
this.start = options.start; this.pos = undefined; this.bytesWritten = 0; this[kIsPerformingIO] = false;
if (this.start !== undefined) { validateInteger(this.start, "start", 0);
this.pos = this.start; }
Reflect.apply(Writable, this, [options]);
if (options.encoding) { this.setDefaultEncoding(options.encoding); }}
Object.setPrototypeOf(WriteStream.prototype, Writable.prototype);Object.setPrototypeOf(WriteStream, Writable);
Object.defineProperty(WriteStream.prototype, "autoClose", { get() { return this._writableState.autoDestroy; }, set(val) { this._writableState.autoDestroy = val; },});
const openWriteFs = deprecate( function () { // Noop. }, " is deprecated", "DEP0135",); = openWriteFs;
WriteStream.prototype._construct = _construct;
WriteStream.prototype._write = function (data, _encoding, cb) { this[kIsPerformingIO] = true; this[kFs].write(this.fd, data, 0, data.length, this.pos, (er, bytes) => { this[kIsPerformingIO] = false; if (this.destroyed) { // Tell ._destroy() that it's safe to close the fd now. cb(er); return this.emit(kIoDone, er); }
if (er) { return cb(er); }
this.bytesWritten += bytes; cb(); });
if (this.pos !== undefined) { this.pos += data.length; }};
WriteStream.prototype._writev = function (data, cb) { const len = data.length; const chunks = new Array(len); let size = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { const chunk = data[i].chunk;
chunks[i] = chunk; size += chunk.length; }
this[kIsPerformingIO] = true; this[kFs].writev(this.fd, chunks, this.pos ?? null, (er, bytes) => { this[kIsPerformingIO] = false; if (this.destroyed) { // Tell ._destroy() that it's safe to close the fd now. cb(er); return this.emit(kIoDone, er); }
if (er) { return cb(er); }
this.bytesWritten += bytes; cb(); });
if (this.pos !== undefined) { this.pos += size; }};
WriteStream.prototype._destroy = function (err, cb) { // Usually for async IO it is safe to close a file descriptor // even when there are pending operations. However, due to platform // differences file IO is implemented using synchronous operations // running in a thread pool. Therefore, file descriptors are not safe // to close while used in a pending read or write operation. Wait for // any pending IO (kIsPerformingIO) to complete (kIoDone). if (this[kIsPerformingIO]) { this.once(kIoDone, (er) => close(this, err || er, cb)); } else { close(this, err, cb); }};
WriteStream.prototype.close = function (cb) { if (cb) { if (this.closed) { nextTick(cb); return; } this.on("close", cb); }
// If we are not autoClosing, we should call // destroy on 'finish'. if (!this.autoClose) { this.on("finish", this.destroy); }
// We use end() instead of destroy() because of // this.end();};
// There is no shutdown() for files.WriteStream.prototype.destroySoon = WriteStream.prototype.end;
Object.defineProperty(WriteStream.prototype, "pending", { get() { return this.fd === null; }, configurable: true,});
export function createReadStream(path, options) { return new ReadStream(path, options);}
export function createWriteStream(path, options) { return new WriteStream(path, options);}