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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
/** Platform-specific conventions for the line ending format (i.e., the "end-of-line"). */export enum EOL { /** Line Feed. Typically used in Unix (and Unix-like) systems. */ LF = "\n", /** Carriage Return + Line Feed. Historically used in Windows and early DOS systems. */ CRLF = "\r\n",}
const regDetect = /(?:\r?\n)/g;
/** * Detect the EOL character for string input. * returns null if no newline. * * @example * ```ts * import { detect, EOL } from "$STD_VERSION/fs/mod.ts"; * * const CRLFinput = "deno\r\nis not\r\nnode"; * const Mixedinput = "deno\nis not\r\nnode"; * const LFinput = "deno\nis not\nnode"; * const NoNLinput = "deno is not node"; * * detect(LFinput); // output EOL.LF * detect(CRLFinput); // output EOL.CRLF * detect(Mixedinput); // output EOL.CRLF * detect(NoNLinput); // output null * ``` */export function detect(content: string): EOL | null { const d = content.match(regDetect); if (!d || d.length === 0) { return null; } const hasCRLF = d.some((x: string): boolean => x === EOL.CRLF);
return hasCRLF ? EOL.CRLF : EOL.LF;}
/** * Format the file to the targeted EOL. * * @example * ```ts * import { EOL, format } from "$STD_VERSION/fs/mod.ts"; * * const CRLFinput = "deno\r\nis not\r\nnode"; * * format(CRLFinput, EOL.LF); // output "deno\nis not\nnode" * ``` */export function format(content: string, eol: EOL): string { return content.replace(regDetect, eol);}