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Deno standard library
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The Standard Library has been moved to JSR. See the blog post for details.
import * as mod from "";

Logging library with the support for terminal and file outputs. Also provides interfaces for building custom loggers.


Loggers are objects that you interact with. When you use a logger method it constructs a LogRecord and passes it down to its handlers for output. To create custom loggers, specify them in loggers when calling log.setup.

Custom message format

If you want to override default format of message you can define formatter option for handler. It can be either simple string-based format that uses LogRecord fields or more complicated function-based one that takes LogRecord as argument and outputs string.

The default log format is {levelName} {msg}.

Inline Logging

Log functions return the data passed in the msg parameter. Data is returned regardless if the logger actually logs it.

Lazy Log Evaluation

Some log statements are expensive to compute. In these cases, you can use lazy log evaluation to prevent the computation taking place if the logger won't log the message.

NOTE: When using lazy log evaluation, undefined will be returned if the resolver function is not called because the logger won't log it. It is an antipattern use lazy evaluation with inline logging because the return value depends on the current log level.

For module authors

The authors of public modules can let the users display the internal logs of the module by using a custom logger:

import { getLogger } from "";

function logger() {
  return getLogger("my-awesome-module");

export function sum(a: number, b: number) {
  logger().debug(`running ${a} + ${b}`);
  return a + b;

export function mult(a: number, b: number) {
  logger().debug(`running ${a} * ${b}`);
  return a * b;

The user of the module can then display the internal logs with:

import * as log from "";
import { sum } from "<the-awesome-module>/mod.ts";

await log.setup({
  handlers: {
    console: new log.handlers.ConsoleHandler("DEBUG"),

  loggers: {
    "my-awesome-module": {
      level: "DEBUG",
      handlers: ["console"],

sum(1, 2); // prints "running 1 + 2" to the console

Please note that, due to the order of initialization of the loggers, the following won't work:

import { getLogger } from "";

const logger = getLogger("my-awesome-module");

export function sum(a: number, b: number) {
  logger.debug(`running ${a} + ${b}`); // no message will be logged, because getLogger() was called before log.setup()
  return a + b;


Example 1

import * as log from "";

// Simple default logger out of the box. You can customize it
// by overriding logger and handler named "default", or providing
// additional logger configurations. You can log any data type.
log.debug("Hello world");;
log.error({ foo: "bar", fizz: "bazz" });
log.critical("500 Internal server error");

// custom configuration with 2 loggers (the default and `tasks` loggers).
await log.setup({
  handlers: {
    console: new log.handlers.ConsoleHandler("DEBUG"),

    file: new log.handlers.FileHandler("WARNING", {
      filename: "./log.txt",
      // you can change format of output message using any keys in `LogRecord`.
      formatter: "{levelName} {msg}",

  loggers: {
    // configure default logger available via short-hand methods above.
    default: {
      level: "DEBUG",
      handlers: ["console", "file"],

    tasks: {
      level: "ERROR",
      handlers: ["console"],

let logger;

// get default logger.
logger = log.getLogger();
logger.debug("fizz"); // logs to `console`, because `file` handler requires "WARNING" level.
logger.warning(41256); // logs to both `console` and `file` handlers.

// get custom logger
logger = log.getLogger("tasks");
logger.debug("fizz"); // won't get output because this logger has "ERROR" level.
logger.error({ productType: "book", value: "126.11" }); // log to `console`.

// if you try to use a logger that hasn't been configured
// you're good to go, it gets created automatically with level set to 0
// so no message is logged.
const unknownLogger = log.getLogger("mystery");"foobar"); // no-op

Custom message format example

import * as log from "";

await log.setup({
  handlers: {
    stringFmt: new log.handlers.ConsoleHandler("DEBUG", {
      formatter: "[{levelName}] {msg}",

    functionFmt: new log.handlers.ConsoleHandler("DEBUG", {
      formatter: (logRecord) => {
        let msg = `${logRecord.level} ${logRecord.msg}`;

        logRecord.args.forEach((arg, index) => {
          msg += `, arg${index}: ${arg}`;

        return msg;

    anotherFmt: new log.handlers.ConsoleHandler("DEBUG", {
      formatter: "[{loggerName}] - {levelName} {msg}",

  loggers: {
    default: {
      level: "DEBUG",
      handlers: ["stringFmt", "functionFmt"],
    dataLogger: {
      level: "INFO",
      handlers: ["anotherFmt"],

// calling:
log.debug("Hello, world!", 1, "two", [3, 4, 5]);
// results in: [DEBUG] Hello, world!
// output from "stringFmt" handler.
// 10 Hello, world!, arg0: 1, arg1: two, arg3: [3, 4, 5] // output from "functionFmt" formatter.

// calling:
log.getLogger("dataLogger").error("oh no!");
// results in:
// [dataLogger] - ERROR oh no! // output from anotherFmt handler.

Inline Logging

import * as logger from "";

const stringData: string = logger.debug("hello world");
const booleanData: boolean = logger.debug(true, 1, "abc");
const fn = (): number => {
  return 123;
const resolvedFunctionData: number = logger.debug(fn());
console.log(stringData); // 'hello world'
console.log(booleanData); // true
console.log(resolvedFunctionData); // 123

Lazy Log Evaluation

import * as log from "";

await log.setup({
  handlers: {
    console: new log.handlers.ConsoleHandler("DEBUG"),

  loggers: {
    tasks: {
      level: "ERROR",
      handlers: ["console"],

function someExpensiveFn(num: number, bool: boolean) {
  // do some expensive computation

// not logged, as debug < error.
const data = log.debug(() => someExpensiveFn(5, true));
console.log(data); // undefined


An object that encapsulates provided message and arguments as well some metadata that can be later used when formatting a message.


Get log level numeric values through enum constants. Defaults to INFO.


Handlers are responsible for actual output of log messages. When a handler is called by a logger, it firstly checks that LogRecord's level is not lower than level of the handler. If level check passes, handlers formats log record into string and outputs it to target.


Log with critical level, using default logger.

Log with debug level, using default logger.

Log with error level, using default logger.

Get a logger instance. If not specified name, get the default logger.

Log with info level, using default logger.

Setup logger config.

Log with warning level, using default logger.

Type Aliases

Union of valid log level strings