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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
import { assert } from "../_util/asserts.ts";
export class RetryError extends Error { constructor(cause: unknown, count: number) { super(`Exceeded max retry count (${count})`); = "RetryError"; this.cause = cause; }}
export interface RetryOptions { /** How much to backoff after each retry. This is `2` by default. */ multiplier?: number; /** The maximum milliseconds between retries. This is `60000` by default. */ maxTimeout?: number; /** The maximum amount of retries until failure. This is `5` by default. */ maxAttempts?: number; /** The inital and minimum amount of milliseconds between retries. This is `1000` by default. */ minTimeout?: number;}
const defaultRetryOptions: Required<RetryOptions> = { multiplier: 2, maxTimeout: 60000, maxAttempts: 5, minTimeout: 1000,};
/** * Creates a retry promise which resolves to the value of the input using exponential backoff. * If the input promise throws, it will be retried `maxAttempts` number of times. * It will retry the input every certain amount of milliseconds, starting at `minTimeout` and multiplying by the `multiplier` until it reaches the `maxTimeout` * * @example * ```typescript * import { retry } from "$STD_VERSION/async/mod.ts"; * const req = async () => { * // some function that throws sometimes * }; * * // Below resolves to the first non-error result of `req` * const retryPromise = await retry(req, { * multiplier: 2, * maxTimeout: 60000, * maxAttempts: 5, * minTimeout: 100, * }); * ``` */export async function retry<T>( fn: (() => Promise<T>) | (() => T), opts?: RetryOptions,) { const options: Required<RetryOptions> = { ...defaultRetryOptions, ...opts, };
assert(options.maxTimeout >= 0, "maxTimeout is less than 0"); assert( options.minTimeout <= options.maxTimeout, "minTimeout is greater than maxTimeout", );
let timeout = options.minTimeout; let error: unknown;
for (let i = 0; i < options.maxAttempts; i++) { try { return await fn(); } catch (err) { await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, timeout));
timeout = _exponentialBackoffWithJitter( options.maxTimeout, options.minTimeout, i, options.multiplier, );
error = err; } }
throw new RetryError(error, options.maxAttempts);}
export function _exponentialBackoffWithJitter( cap: number, base: number, attempt: number, multiplier: number,) { return Math.random() * Math.min(cap, base * multiplier ** attempt);}