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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { assertSpyCall, assertSpyCalls, returnsNext, stub } from "../mock.ts";import { assertEquals } from "../asserts.ts";import { _internals, randomMultiple } from "./random.ts";
Deno.test("randomMultiple uses randomInt to generate random multiples between -10 and 10 times the value", () => { const randomIntStub = stub(_internals, "randomInt", returnsNext([-3, 3]));
try { assertEquals(randomMultiple(5), -15); assertEquals(randomMultiple(5), 15); } finally { // unwraps the randomInt method on the _internals object randomIntStub.restore(); }
// asserts that randomIntStub was called at least once and details about the first call. assertSpyCall(randomIntStub, 0, { args: [-10, 10], returned: -3, }); // asserts that randomIntStub was called at least twice and details about the second call. assertSpyCall(randomIntStub, 1, { args: [-10, 10], returned: 3, });
// asserts that randomIntStub was only called twice. assertSpyCalls(randomIntStub, 2);});