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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { assertEquals, assertRejects } from "../assert/mod.ts";import { deferred } from "./deferred.ts";import { abortable } from "./abortable.ts";
Deno.test("[async] abortable (Promise)", async () => { const c = new AbortController(); const p = deferred(); const t = setTimeout(() => p.resolve("Hello"), 100); const result = await abortable(p, c.signal); assertEquals(result, "Hello"); clearTimeout(t);});
Deno.test("[async] abortable (Promise) with signal aborted after delay", async () => { const c = new AbortController(); const p = deferred(); const t = setTimeout(() => p.resolve("Hello"), 100); setTimeout(() => c.abort(), 50); await assertRejects( async () => { await abortable(p, c.signal); }, DOMException, "AbortError", ); clearTimeout(t);});
Deno.test("[async] abortable (Promise) with already aborted signal", async () => { const c = new AbortController(); const p = deferred(); const t = setTimeout(() => p.resolve("Hello"), 100); c.abort(); await assertRejects( async () => { await abortable(p, c.signal); }, DOMException, "AbortError", ); clearTimeout(t);});
Deno.test("[async] abortable (AsyncIterable)", async () => { const c = new AbortController(); const p = deferred(); const t = setTimeout(() => p.resolve("Hello"), 100); const a = async function* () { yield "Hello"; await p; yield "World"; }; const items: string[] = []; for await (const item of abortable(a(), c.signal)) { items.push(item); } assertEquals(items, ["Hello", "World"]); clearTimeout(t);});
Deno.test("[async] abortable (AsyncIterable) with signal aborted after delay", async () => { const c = new AbortController(); const p = deferred(); const t = setTimeout(() => p.resolve("Hello"), 100); const a = async function* () { yield "Hello"; await p; yield "World"; }; setTimeout(() => c.abort(), 50); const items: string[] = []; await assertRejects( async () => { for await (const item of abortable(a(), c.signal)) { items.push(item); } }, DOMException, "AbortError", ); assertEquals(items, ["Hello"]); clearTimeout(t);});
Deno.test("[async] abortable (AsyncIterable) with already aborted signal", async () => { const c = new AbortController(); const p = deferred(); const t = setTimeout(() => p.resolve("Hello"), 100); const a = async function* () { yield "Hello"; await p; yield "World"; }; c.abort(); const items: string[] = []; await assertRejects( async () => { for await (const item of abortable(a(), c.signal)) { items.push(item); } }, DOMException, "AbortError", ); assertEquals(items, []); clearTimeout(t);});