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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
/** Returns the index of the first occurrence of the needle array in the source * array, or -1 if it is not present. * * A start index can be specified as the third argument that begins the search * at that given index. The start index defaults to the start of the array. * * The complexity of this function is O(source.length * needle.length). * * ```ts * import { indexOfNeedle } from "$STD_VERSION/bytes/index_of_needle.ts"; * const source = new Uint8Array([0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3]); * const needle = new Uint8Array([1, 2]); * console.log(indexOfNeedle(source, needle)); // 1 * console.log(indexOfNeedle(source, needle, 2)); // 3 * ``` */export function indexOfNeedle( source: Uint8Array, needle: Uint8Array, start = 0,): number { if (start >= source.length) { return -1; } if (start < 0) { start = Math.max(0, source.length + start); } const s = needle[0]; for (let i = start; i < source.length; i++) { if (source[i] !== s) continue; const pin = i; let matched = 1; let j = i; while (matched < needle.length) { j++; if (source[j] !== needle[j - pin]) { break; } matched++; } if (matched === needle.length) { return pin; } } return -1;}