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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { createGraph, ModuleGraphJson, ModuleJson,} from "";
/** * Checks for circular dependencies in the std submodules. * * When run with `--graph` it will output a graphviz graph in dot language. */
type DepState = "ready" | "not ready" | "needs clean up" | "deprecated";type Dep = { name: string; set: Set<string>; state: DepState;};
const root = new URL("../", import.meta.url).href;const deps: Record<string, Dep> = {};
function getSubmoduleNameFromUrl(url: string) { return url.replace(root, "").split("/")[0];}
async function check( submod: string, state: DepState, paths: string[] = ["mod.ts"],): Promise<Dep> { const deps = new Set<string>(); for (const path of paths) { const entrypoint = new URL(`../${submod}/${path}`, import.meta.url).href; const graph = await createGraph(entrypoint);
for ( const dep of new Set(getSubmoduleDepsFromSpecifier(graph, entrypoint)) ) { deps.add(dep); } } deps.delete(submod); deps.delete("types.d.ts"); return { name: submod, set: deps, state };}
/** Returns submodule dependencies */function getSubmoduleDepsFromSpecifier( graph: ModuleGraphJson, specifier: string, seen: Set<string> = new Set(),): Set<string> { const { dependencies } = graph.modules.find((item: ModuleJson) => item.specifier === specifier )!; const deps = new Set([getSubmoduleNameFromUrl(specifier)]); seen.add(specifier); if (dependencies) { for (const { code, type } of dependencies) { const specifier = code?.specifier ?? type?.specifier!; if (seen.has(specifier)) { continue; } const res = getSubmoduleDepsFromSpecifier( graph, specifier, seen, )!; for (const dep of res) { deps.add(dep); } } } return deps;}
deps["archive"] = await check("archive", "not ready");deps["assert"] = await check("assert", "ready");deps["async"] = await check("async", "ready");deps["bytes"] = await check("bytes", "ready");deps["collections"] = await check("collections", "ready");deps["console"] = await check("console", "not ready");deps["crypto"] = await check("crypto", "needs clean up");deps["csv"] = await check("csv", "ready");deps["datetime"] = await check("datetime", "deprecated");deps["dotenv"] = await check("dotenv", "not ready");deps["encoding"] = await check("encoding", "needs clean up", [ "ascii85.ts", "base32.ts", "base58.ts", "base64.ts", "base64url.ts", "binary.ts", "hex.ts", "varint.ts",]);deps["flags"] = await check("flags", "not ready");deps["fmt"] = await check("fmt", "ready", [ "bytes.ts", "colors.ts", "duration.ts", "printf.ts",]);deps["front_matter"] = await check("front_matter", "needs clean up");deps["fs"] = await check("fs", "ready");deps["html"] = await check("html", "not ready");deps["http"] = await check("http", "needs clean up");deps["io"] = await check("io", "deprecated");deps["json"] = await check("json", "ready");deps["jsonc"] = await check("jsonc", "ready");deps["log"] = await check("log", "not ready");deps["media_types"] = await check("media_types", "ready");deps["msgpack"] = await check("msgpack", "not ready");deps["path"] = await check("path", "needs clean up");deps["permissions"] = await check("permissions", "deprecated");deps["regexp"] = await check("regexp", "not ready");deps["semver"] = await check("semver", "not ready");deps["signal"] = await check("signal", "deprecated");deps["streams"] = await check("streams", "needs clean up");deps["testing"] = await check("testing", "ready", [ "bdd.ts", "mock.ts", "snapshot.ts", "time.ts", "types.ts",]);deps["toml"] = await check("toml", "ready");deps["ulid"] = await check("ulid", "not ready");deps["url"] = await check("url", "not ready");deps["uuid"] = await check("uuid", "ready");deps["wasi"] = await check("wasi", "not ready", ["snapshot_preview1.ts"]);deps["yaml"] = await check("yaml", "ready");
/** Checks circular deps between sub modules */function checkCircularDeps( submod: string, ancestors: string[] = [], seen: Set<string> = new Set(),): string[] | undefined { const currentDeps = [...ancestors, submod]; if (ancestors.includes(submod)) { return currentDeps; } const d = deps[submod]; if (!d) { return; } for (const mod of d.set) { const res = checkCircularDeps(mod, currentDeps, seen); if (res) { return res; } }}
/** Formats label for diagram */function formatLabel(mod: string) { return '"' + mod.replace(/_/g, "_\\n") + '"';}
/** Returns node style (in DOT language) for each state */function stateToNodeStyle(state: DepState) { switch (state) { case "ready": return "[shape=doublecircle fixedsize=1 height=1.1]"; case "not ready": return "[shape=box style=filled, fillcolor=pink]"; case "needs clean up": return "[shape=circle fixedsize=1 height=1.1 style=filled, fillcolor=yellow]"; case "deprecated": return "[shape=septagon style=filled, fillcolor=gray]"; }}
if (Deno.args.includes("--graph")) { console.log("digraph std_deps {"); for (const mod of Object.keys(deps)) { const info = deps[mod]; console.log(` ${formatLabel(mod)} ${stateToNodeStyle(info.state)};`); for (const dep of deps[mod].set) { console.log(` ${formatLabel(mod)} -> ${dep};`); } } console.log("}");} else { console.log(`${Object.keys(deps).length} submodules checked.`); for (const mod of Object.keys(deps)) { const res = checkCircularDeps(mod); if (res) { console.log(`Circular dependencies found: ${res.join(" -> ")}`); Deno.exit(1); } } console.log("No circular dependencies found.");}