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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
/** * An abstraction of multiple Uint8Arrays * * @deprecated (will be removed in 0.205.0) Use a plain array of Uint8Arrays instead. */export class BytesList { #len = 0; #chunks: { value: Uint8Array; start: number; // start offset from head of chunk end: number; // end offset from head of chunk offset: number; // offset of head in all bytes }[] = []; constructor() {}
/** * Total size of bytes * * @deprecated */ size() { return this.#len; } /** * Push bytes with given offset infos * * @deprecated Use a plain array of Uint8Arrays instead. * Adding into the array can be done with {@linkcode Array#push}. * If {@linkcode start} or {@linkcode end} parameters are * used then use {@linkcode Uint8Array#subarray} * to slice the needed part without copying. */ add(value: Uint8Array, start = 0, end = value.byteLength) { if (value.byteLength === 0 || end - start === 0) { return; } checkRange(start, end, value.byteLength); this.#chunks.push({ value, end, start, offset: this.#len, }); this.#len += end - start; }
/** * Drop head `n` bytes. * * @deprecated Use a plain array of Uint8Arrays instead. * Shifting from the array can be done using conditional * {@linkcode Array#shift}s against the number of bytes left * to be dropped. * * If the next item in the array is longer than the number * of bytes left to be dropped, then instead of shifting it out * it should be replaced in-place with a subarray of itself that * drops the remaining bytes from the front. */ shift(n: number) { if (n === 0) { return; } if (this.#len <= n) { this.#chunks = []; this.#len = 0; return; } const idx = this.getChunkIndex(n); this.#chunks.splice(0, idx); const [chunk] = this.#chunks; if (chunk) { const diff = n - chunk.offset; chunk.start += diff; } let offset = 0; for (const chunk of this.#chunks) { chunk.offset = offset; offset += chunk.end - chunk.start; } this.#len = offset; }
/** * Find chunk index in which `pos` locates by binary-search * returns -1 if out of range * * @deprecated Use a plain array of Uint8Arrays instead. * Finding the index of a chunk in the array can be * done using {@linkcode Array#findIndex} with a counter * for the number of bytes already encountered from past * chunks' {@linkcode Uint8Array#byteLength}. */ getChunkIndex(pos: number): number { let max = this.#chunks.length; let min = 0; while (true) { const i = min + Math.floor((max - min) / 2); if (i < 0 || this.#chunks.length <= i) { return -1; } const { offset, start, end } = this.#chunks[i]; const len = end - start; if (offset <= pos && pos < offset + len) { return i; } else if (offset + len <= pos) { min = i + 1; } else { max = i - 1; } } }
/** * Get indexed byte from chunks * * @deprecated Use a plain array of Uint8Arrays instead. * See {@linkcode getChunkIndex} for finding a chunk * by number of bytes. */ get(i: number): number { if (i < 0 || this.#len <= i) { throw new Error("out of range"); } const idx = this.getChunkIndex(i); const { value, offset, start } = this.#chunks[idx]; return value[start + i - offset]; }
/** * Iterator of bytes from given position * * @deprecated Use a plain array of Uint8Arrays instead. */ *iterator(start = 0): IterableIterator<number> { const startIdx = this.getChunkIndex(start); if (startIdx < 0) return; const first = this.#chunks[startIdx]; let firstOffset = start - first.offset; for (let i = startIdx; i < this.#chunks.length; i++) { const chunk = this.#chunks[i]; for (let j = chunk.start + firstOffset; j < chunk.end; j++) { yield chunk.value[j]; } firstOffset = 0; } }
/** * Returns subset of bytes copied * * @deprecated Use a plain array of Uint8Arrays instead. * For copying the whole list see {@linkcode concat}. * For copying subarrays find the start and end chunk indexes * and the internal indexes within those Uint8Arrays, prepare * a Uint8Array of size `end - start` and set the chunks (or * chunk subarrays) into that at proper offsets. */ slice(start: number, end: number = this.#len): Uint8Array { if (end === start) { return new Uint8Array(); } checkRange(start, end, this.#len); const result = new Uint8Array(end - start); const startIdx = this.getChunkIndex(start); const endIdx = this.getChunkIndex(end - 1); let written = 0; for (let i = startIdx; i <= endIdx; i++) { const { value: chunkValue, start: chunkStart, end: chunkEnd, offset: chunkOffset, } = this.#chunks[i]; const readStart = chunkStart + (i === startIdx ? start - chunkOffset : 0); const readEnd = i === endIdx ? end - chunkOffset + chunkStart : chunkEnd; const len = readEnd - readStart; result.set(chunkValue.subarray(readStart, readEnd), written); written += len; } return result; } /** * Concatenate chunks into single Uint8Array copied. * * @deprecated Use a plain array of Uint8Arrays and the `concat.ts` module instead. */ concat(): Uint8Array { const result = new Uint8Array(this.#len); let sum = 0; for (const { value, start, end } of this.#chunks) { result.set(value.subarray(start, end), sum); sum += end - start; } return result; }}
function checkRange(start: number, end: number, len: number) { if (start < 0 || len < start || end < 0 || len < end || end < start) { throw new Error("invalid range"); }}