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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Copyright the Browserify authors. MIT License.// Ported from { assertEquals } from "../assert/mod.ts";import * as path from "./mod.ts";
const slashRE = /\//g;
const pairs = [ ["", ""], ["/path/to/file", ""], ["/path/to/file.ext", ".ext"], ["/", ".ext"], ["/", ""], ["/", ""], ["/", ".ext"], ["/path/to/f.ext", ".ext"], ["/path/to/..ext", ".ext"], ["/path/to/..", ""], ["file", ""], ["file.ext", ".ext"], [".file", ""], [".file.ext", ".ext"], ["/file", ""], ["/file.ext", ".ext"], ["/.file", ""], ["/.file.ext", ".ext"], [".path/file.ext", ".ext"], ["file.ext.ext", ".ext"], ["file.", "."], [".", ""], ["./", ""], [".file.ext", ".ext"], [".file", ""], [".file.", "."], [".file..", "."], ["..", ""], ["../", ""], ["..file.ext", ".ext"], ["..file", ".file"], ["..file.", "."], ["..file..", "."], ["...", "."], ["...ext", ".ext"], ["....", "."], ["file.ext/", ".ext"], ["file.ext//", ".ext"], ["file/", ""], ["file//", ""], ["file./", "."], ["file.//", "."],];
Deno.test("extname", function () { pairs.forEach(function (p) { const input = p[0]; const expected = p[1]; assertEquals(expected, path.posix.extname(input)); });
// On *nix, backslash is a valid name component like any other character. assertEquals(path.posix.extname(".\\"), ""); assertEquals(path.posix.extname("..\\"), ".\\"); assertEquals(path.posix.extname("file.ext\\"), ".ext\\"); assertEquals(path.posix.extname("file.ext\\\\"), ".ext\\\\"); assertEquals(path.posix.extname("file\\"), ""); assertEquals(path.posix.extname("file\\\\"), ""); assertEquals(path.posix.extname("file.\\"), ".\\"); assertEquals(path.posix.extname("file.\\\\"), ".\\\\");});
Deno.test("extnameWin32", function () { pairs.forEach(function (p) { const input = p[0].replace(slashRE, "\\"); const expected = p[1]; assertEquals(expected, path.win32.extname(input)); assertEquals(expected, path.win32.extname("C:" + input)); });
// On Windows, backslash is a path separator. assertEquals(path.win32.extname(".\\"), ""); assertEquals(path.win32.extname("..\\"), ""); assertEquals(path.win32.extname("file.ext\\"), ".ext"); assertEquals(path.win32.extname("file.ext\\\\"), ".ext"); assertEquals(path.win32.extname("file\\"), ""); assertEquals(path.win32.extname("file\\\\"), ""); assertEquals(path.win32.extname("file.\\"), "."); assertEquals(path.win32.extname("file.\\\\"), ".");});