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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Copyright the Browserify authors. MIT License.// Ported from This module is browser compatible.
export const sep = "\\";export const delimiter = ";";
export { windowsResolve as resolve } from "./_resolve.ts";export { windowsNormalize as normalize } from "./_normalize.ts";export { windowsIsAbsolute as isAbsolute } from "./_is_absolute.ts";export { windowsJoin as join } from "./_join.ts";export { windowsRelative as relative } from "./_relative.ts";export { windowsToNamespacedPath as toNamespacedPath } from "./_to_namespaced_path.ts";export { windowsDirname as dirname } from "./_dirname.ts";export { windowsBasename as basename } from "./_basename.ts";export { windowsExtname as extname } from "./_extname.ts";export { windowsFormat as format } from "./_format.ts";export { windowsParse as parse } from "./_parse.ts";export { windowsFromFileUrl as fromFileUrl } from "./_from_file_url.ts";export { windowsToFileUrl as toFileUrl } from "./_to_file_url.ts";