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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { assert, assertEquals, assertObjectMatch, assertStrictEquals,} from "../assert/mod.ts";import { afterAll, afterEach, beforeAll, beforeEach, describe, it,} from "./bdd.ts";import { TestSuiteInternal } from "./_test_suite.ts";import { assertSpyCall, assertSpyCalls, Spy, spy, stub } from "./mock.ts";
Deno.test("global", async (t) => { class TestContext implements Deno.TestContext { name: string; origin: string; steps: TestContext[]; spies: { step: Spy; };
constructor(name: string) { = name; this.origin = "origin"; this.spies = { step: spy(this, "step"), }; this.steps = []; }
async step(t: Deno.TestStepDefinition): Promise<boolean>; async step( name: string, fn: (t: Deno.TestContext) => void | Promise<void>, ): Promise<boolean>; async step( fn: (t: Deno.TestContext) => void | Promise<void>, ): Promise<boolean>; async step( tOrNameOrFn: | Deno.TestStepDefinition | string | ((t: Deno.TestContext) => void | Promise<void>), fn?: (t: Deno.TestContext) => void | Promise<void>, ): Promise<boolean> { let ignore = false; if (typeof tOrNameOrFn === "function") { ignore = false; fn = tOrNameOrFn; } else if (typeof tOrNameOrFn === "object") { ignore = tOrNameOrFn.ignore ?? false; fn = tOrNameOrFn.fn; }
const name = typeof tOrNameOrFn === "string" ? tOrNameOrFn :; const context = new TestContext(name); this.steps.push(context); if (!ignore) { await fn!(context); } return !ignore; } }
const baseStepOptions: Omit<Deno.TestStepDefinition, "name" | "fn"> = { ignore: false, sanitizeExit: true, sanitizeOps: true, sanitizeResources: true, };
const baseOptions: Omit<Deno.TestDefinition, "name" | "fn"> = { ...baseStepOptions, only: false, permissions: "inherit", };
interface GlobalContext { allTimer: number; eachTimer: number; x?: number; y?: number; }
let timerIdx = 1; const timers = new Map<number, number>(); function hookFns() { timerIdx = 1; timers.clear(); return { beforeAllFn: spy(async function (this: GlobalContext) { await Promise.resolve(); this.allTimer = timerIdx++; timers.set(this.allTimer, setTimeout(() => {}, 10000)); }), afterAllFn: spy(async function (this: GlobalContext) { await Promise.resolve(); clearTimeout(timers.get(this.allTimer)); }), beforeEachFn: spy(async function (this: GlobalContext) { await Promise.resolve(); this.eachTimer = timerIdx++; timers.set(this.eachTimer, setTimeout(() => {}, 10000)); }), afterEachFn: spy(async function (this: GlobalContext) { await Promise.resolve(); clearTimeout(timers.get(this.eachTimer)); }), }; }
await t.step("global hooks", async () => { const test = stub(Deno, "test"), fns = [spy(), spy()], { beforeAllFn, afterAllFn, beforeEachFn, afterEachFn } = hookFns();
const context = new TestContext("global"); try { beforeAll(beforeAllFn); afterAll(afterAllFn);
beforeEach(beforeEachFn); afterEach(afterEachFn);
assertEquals(it({ name: "example 1", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); assertEquals(it({ name: "example 2", fn: fns[1] }), undefined);
assertSpyCalls(fns[0], 0); assertSpyCalls(fns[1], 0);
assertSpyCall(test, 0); const call = test.calls[0]; const options = call.args[0] as Deno.TestDefinition; assertEquals(Object.keys(options).sort(), ["fn", "name"]); assertEquals(, "global");
const result = options.fn(context); assertStrictEquals(Promise.resolve(result), result); assertEquals(await result, undefined); assertSpyCalls(context.spies.step, 2); } finally { TestSuiteInternal.reset(); test.restore(); }
let fn = fns[0]; assertSpyCall(fn, 0, { self: { allTimer: 1, eachTimer: 2 }, args: [context.steps[0]], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(fn, 1);
fn = fns[1]; assertSpyCall(fn, 0, { self: { allTimer: 1, eachTimer: 3 }, args: [context.steps[1]], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(fn, 1);
assertSpyCalls(beforeAllFn, 1); assertSpyCalls(afterAllFn, 1); assertSpyCalls(beforeEachFn, 2); assertSpyCalls(afterEachFn, 2); });
await t.step("it", async (t) => { /** * Asserts that `Deno.test` is called with the correct options for the `it` call in the callback function. * This is used to reduce code duplication when testing calling `it` with different call signatures. */ async function assertOptions<T>( expectedOptions: Omit<Deno.TestDefinition, "name" | "fn">, cb: (fn: Spy) => void, ) { const test = stub(Deno, "test"); const fn = spy(); try { cb(fn);
assertSpyCalls(fn, 0); assertSpyCall(test, 0); const call = test.calls[0]; const options = call.args[0] as Deno.TestDefinition; assertEquals( Object.keys(options).sort(), ["name", "fn", ...Object.keys(expectedOptions)].sort(), ); assertObjectMatch(options, { name: "example", ...expectedOptions, });
const context = new TestContext("example"); const result = options.fn(context); assertStrictEquals(Promise.resolve(result), result); assertEquals(await result, undefined); assertSpyCalls(context.spies.step, 0); assertSpyCall(fn, 0, { self: {}, args: [context], returned: undefined, }); } finally { TestSuiteInternal.reset(); test.restore(); } }
/** * Asserts that `Deno.test` is called with just the name and function for the `it` call in the callback function. * This is used to reduce code duplication when testing calling `it` with different call signatures. */ async function assertMinimumOptions( cb: (fn: Spy) => void, ) { await assertOptions({}, cb); }
/** * Asserts that `Deno.test` is called with all of the options for the `it` call in the callback function. * This is used to reduce code duplication when testing calling `it` with different call signatures. */ async function assertAllOptions( cb: (fn: Spy) => void, ) { await assertOptions(baseOptions, cb); }
await t.step("signature 1", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fn) => { assertEquals(it({ name: "example", fn }), undefined); }), );
await t.step("all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fn) => { assertEquals( it({ name: "example", fn, ...baseOptions, }), undefined, ); })); });
await t.step("signature 2", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fn) => { assertEquals(it("example", { fn }), undefined); }), );
await t.step("all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fn) => { assertEquals( it("example", { fn, ...baseOptions, }), undefined, ); })); });
await t.step("signature 3", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fn) => { assertEquals(it("example", fn), undefined); }));
await t.step("signature 4", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fn) => { assertEquals( it(function example(this: void, ...args) { fn.apply(this, args); }), undefined, ); }));
await t.step("signature 5", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fn) => { assertEquals(it("example", {}, fn), undefined); }), );
await t.step("all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fn) => { assertEquals( it("example", { ...baseOptions, }, fn), undefined, ); })); });
await t.step("signature 6", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fn) => { assertEquals(it({ name: "example" }, fn), undefined); }), );
await t.step("all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fn) => { assertEquals( it({ name: "example", ...baseOptions, }, fn), undefined, ); })); });
await t.step("signature 7", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fn) => { assertEquals( it({}, function example(this: void, ...args) { fn.apply(this, args); }), undefined, ); }), );
await t.step("all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fn) => { assertEquals( it({ ...baseOptions, }, function example(this: void, ...args) { fn.apply(this, args); }), undefined, ); })); });
await t.step("only", async (t) => { /** * Asserts that `Deno.test` is called with just the name, only, and function for the `it.only` call in the callback function. * This is used to reduce code duplication when testing calling `it.only` with different call signatures. */ async function assertMinimumOptions( cb: (fn: Spy) => void, ) { await assertOptions({ only: true }, cb); }
/** * Asserts that `Deno.test` is called with all of the options for the `it.only` call in the callback function. * This is used to reduce code duplication when testing calling `it.only` with different call signatures. */ async function assertAllOptions( cb: (fn: Spy) => void, ) { await assertOptions({ ...baseOptions, only: true }, cb); }
await t.step("signature 1", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fn) => { assertEquals(it.only({ name: "example", fn }), undefined); }), );
await t.step("all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fn) => { assertEquals( it.only({ name: "example", fn, ...baseOptions, }), undefined, ); })); });
await t.step("signature 2", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fn) => { assertEquals(it.only("example", { fn }), undefined); }), );
await t.step("all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fn) => { assertEquals( it.only("example", { fn, ...baseOptions, }), undefined, ); })); });
await t.step( "signature 3", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fn) => { assertEquals(it.only("example", fn), undefined); }), );
await t.step( "signature 4", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fn) => { assertEquals( it.only(function example(this: void, ...args) { fn.apply(this, args); }), undefined, ); }), );
await t.step("signature 5", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fn) => { assertEquals(it.only("example", {}, fn), undefined); }), );
await t.step("all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fn) => { assertEquals( it.only("example", { ...baseOptions, }, fn), undefined, ); })); });
await t.step("signature 6", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fn) => { assertEquals(it.only({ name: "example" }, fn), undefined); }), );
await t.step("all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fn) => { assertEquals( it.only({ name: "example", ...baseOptions, }, fn), undefined, ); })); });
await t.step("signature 7", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fn) => { assertEquals( it.only({}, function example(this: void, ...args) { fn.apply(this, args); }), undefined, ); }), );
await t.step("all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fn) => { assertEquals( it.only({ ...baseOptions, }, function example(this: void, ...args) { fn.apply(this, args); }), undefined, ); })); }); });
await t.step("ignore", async (t) => { /** * Asserts that `Deno.test` is called with just the name, ignore, and function for the `it.ignore` call in the callback function. * This is used to reduce code duplication when testing calling `it.ignore` with different call signatures. */ async function assertMinimumOptions( cb: (fn: Spy) => void, ) { await assertOptions({ ignore: true }, cb); }
/** * Asserts that `Deno.test` is called with all of the options for the `it.ignore` call in the callback function. * This is used to reduce code duplication when testing calling `it.ignore` with different call signatures. */ async function assertAllOptions( cb: (fn: Spy) => void, ) { await assertOptions({ ...baseOptions, ignore: true }, cb); }
await t.step("signature 1", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fn) => { assertEquals(it.ignore({ name: "example", fn }), undefined); }), );
await t.step("all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fn) => { assertEquals( it.ignore({ name: "example", fn, ...baseOptions, }), undefined, ); })); });
await t.step("signature 2", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fn) => { assertEquals(it.ignore("example", { fn }), undefined); }), );
await t.step("all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fn) => { assertEquals( it.ignore("example", { fn, ...baseOptions, }), undefined, ); })); });
await t.step( "signature 3", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fn) => { assertEquals(it.ignore("example", fn), undefined); }), );
await t.step( "signature 4", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fn) => { assertEquals( it.ignore(function example(this: void, ...args) { fn.apply(this, args); }), undefined, ); }), );
await t.step("signature 5", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fn) => { assertEquals(it.ignore("example", {}, fn), undefined); }), );
await t.step("all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fn) => { assertEquals( it.ignore("example", { ...baseOptions, }, fn), undefined, ); })); });
await t.step("signature 6", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fn) => { assertEquals(it.ignore({ name: "example" }, fn), undefined); }), );
await t.step("all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fn) => { assertEquals( it.ignore({ name: "example", ...baseOptions, }, fn), undefined, ); })); });
await t.step("signature 7", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fn) => { assertEquals( it.ignore({}, function example(this: void, ...args) { fn.apply(this, args); }), undefined, ); }), );
await t.step("all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fn) => { assertEquals( it.ignore({ ...baseOptions, }, function example(this: void, ...args) { fn.apply(this, args); }), undefined, ); })); });
await t.step(".skip is an alias of .ignore", () => { assertEquals(it.ignore, it.skip); }); }); });
await t.step("describe", async (t) => { /** * Asserts that `Deno.test` is called with the correct options for the `describe` call in the callback function. * In addition to that, it asserts that the individual test cases registered with `it` use the test step API correctly. * This is used to reduce code duplication when testing calling `describe` with different call signatures. */ async function assertOptions( expectedOptions: Omit<Deno.TestDefinition, "name" | "fn">, cb: (fns: Spy[]) => void, ) { const test = stub(Deno, "test"); const fns = [spy(), spy()]; try { cb(fns);
assertSpyCall(test, 0); const call = test.calls[0]; const options = call.args[0] as Deno.TestDefinition; assertEquals( Object.keys(options).sort(), ["name", "fn", ...Object.keys(expectedOptions)].sort(), ); assertObjectMatch(options, { name: "example", ...expectedOptions, });
assertSpyCalls(fns[0], 0); assertSpyCalls(fns[1], 0);
const context = new TestContext("example"); const result = options.fn(context); assertStrictEquals(Promise.resolve(result), result); assertEquals(await result, undefined); assertSpyCalls(context.spies.step, 2);
let fn = fns[0]; assertSpyCall(fn, 0, { self: {}, args: [context.steps[0]], returned: undefined, });
fn = fns[1]; assertSpyCall(fn, 0, { self: {}, args: [context.steps[1]], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(fn, 1); } finally { TestSuiteInternal.reset(); test.restore(); } }
/** * Asserts that `Deno.test` is called with just the name and function for the `describe` call in the callback function. * In addition to that, it asserts that the individual test cases registered with `it` use the test step API correctly. * This is used to reduce code duplication when testing calling `describe` with different call signatures. */ async function assertMinimumOptions( cb: (fns: Spy[]) => void, ) { await assertOptions({}, cb); }
/** * Asserts that `Deno.test` is called with all of the options for the `describe` call in the callback function. * In addition to that, it asserts that the individual test cases registered with `it` use the test step API correctly. * This is used to reduce code duplication when testing calling `describe` with different call signatures. */ async function assertAllOptions( cb: (fns: Spy[]) => void, ) { await assertOptions({ ...baseOptions }, cb); }
await t.step("signature 1", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe({ name: "example" }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step("all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe({ name: "example", fn: () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }, ...baseOptions, }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); })); });
await t.step( "signature 2", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe("example"); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step("signature 3", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe("example", {}); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step("all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe("example", { fn: () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }, ...baseOptions, }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); })); });
await t.step( "signature 4", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe("example", () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step( "signature 5", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe(function example() { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step("signature 6", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe("example", {}, () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step("all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe("example", { ...baseOptions, }, () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); })); });
await t.step("signature 7", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe({ name: "example" }, () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step("all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe({ name: "example", ...baseOptions, }, () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); })); });
await t.step("signature 8", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe({}, function example() { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step("all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe({ ...baseOptions, }, function example() { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); })); });
await t.step("only", async (t) => { /** * Asserts that `Deno.test` is called with just the name, only, and function for the `describe.only` call in the callback function. * In addition to that, it asserts that the individual test cases registered with `it` use the test step API correctly. * This is used to reduce code duplication when testing calling `describe.only` with different call signatures. */ async function assertMinimumOptions( cb: (fns: Spy[]) => void, ) { await assertOptions({ only: true }, cb); }
/** * Asserts that `Deno.test` is called with all of the options for the `describe.only` call in the callback function. * In addition to that, it asserts that the individual test cases registered with `it` use the test step API correctly. * This is used to reduce code duplication when testing calling `describe.only` with different call signatures. */ async function assertAllOptions( cb: (fns: Spy[]) => void, ) { await assertOptions({ ...baseOptions, only: true }, cb); }
await t.step("signature 1", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.only({ name: "example" }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step( "all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.only({ name: "example", fn: () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }, ...baseOptions, }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), ); });
await t.step( "signature 2", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.only("example"); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step("signature 3", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.only("example", {}); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step( "all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.only("example", { fn: () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }, ...baseOptions, }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), ); });
await t.step( "signature 4", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.only("example", () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step( "signature 5", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.only(function example() { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step("signature 6", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.only("example", {}, () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step( "all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.only("example", { ...baseOptions, }, () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), ); });
await t.step("signature 7", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.only({ name: "example" }, () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step( "all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.only({ name: "example", ...baseOptions, }, () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), ); });
await t.step("signature 8", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.only({}, function example() { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step( "all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.only({ ...baseOptions, }, function example() { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), ); }); });
await t.step("ignore", async (t) => { /** * Asserts that `Deno.test` is called with just the name, ignore, and function for the `describe.ignore` call in the callback function. * In addition to that, it asserts that the individual test cases registered with `it` use the test step API correctly. * This is used to reduce code duplication when testing calling `describe.ignore` with different call signatures. */ async function assertMinimumOptions( cb: (fns: Spy[]) => void, ) { await assertOptions({ ignore: true }, cb); }
/** * Asserts that `Deno.test` is called with all of the options for the `describe.ignore` call in the callback function. * In addition to that, it asserts that the individual test cases registered with `it` use the test step API correctly. * This is used to reduce code duplication when testing calling `describe.ignore` with different call signatures. */ async function assertAllOptions( cb: (fns: Spy[]) => void, ) { await assertOptions({ ...baseOptions, ignore: true }, cb); }
await t.step("signature 1", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.ignore({ name: "example" }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step( "all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.ignore({ name: "example", fn: () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }, ...baseOptions, }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), ); });
await t.step( "signature 2", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.ignore("example"); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step("signature 3", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.ignore("example", {}); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step( "all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.ignore("example", { fn: () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }, ...baseOptions, }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), ); });
await t.step( "signature 4", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.ignore("example", () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step( "signature 5", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.ignore(function example() { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step("signature 6", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.ignore("example", {}, () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step( "all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.ignore("example", { ...baseOptions, }, () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), ); });
await t.step("signature 7", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.ignore({ name: "example" }, () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step( "all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.ignore({ name: "example", ...baseOptions, }, () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), ); });
await t.step("signature 8", async (t) => { await t.step( "minimum options", async () => await assertMinimumOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.ignore({}, function example() { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), );
await t.step( "all options", async () => await assertAllOptions((fns) => { const suite = describe.ignore({ ...baseOptions, }, function example() { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); }); assert(suite && typeof suite.symbol === "symbol"); assertEquals(it({ suite, name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }), ); });
await t.step(".skip is an alias of .ignore", () => { assertEquals(describe.ignore, describe.skip); }); });
await t.step("nested only", async (t) => { /** * Asserts that when only is used on a nested `describe` or `it` call, it will be the only test case or suite that runs in the file. * This is used to reduce code duplication when testing calling `describe.ignore` with different call signatures. */ async function assertOnly( cb: (fns: Spy[]) => void, ) { const test = stub(Deno, "test"); const fns = [spy(), spy(), spy()]; try { cb(fns);
assertSpyCall(test, 0); const call = test.calls[0]; const options = call.args[0] as Deno.TestDefinition; assertEquals( Object.keys(options).sort(), ["name", "only", "fn"].sort(), ); assertObjectMatch(options, { name: "example", only: true, });
assertSpyCalls(fns[0], 0); assertSpyCalls(fns[1], 0);
const context = new TestContext("example"); const result = options.fn(context); assertStrictEquals(Promise.resolve(result), result); assertEquals(await result, undefined); assertSpyCalls(context.spies.step, 1);
let fn = fns[0]; assertSpyCalls(fn, 0);
fn = fns[1]; assertSpyCall(fn, 0, { self: {}, returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(fn, 1);
fn = fns[2]; assertSpyCalls(fn, 0); } finally { TestSuiteInternal.reset(); test.restore(); } }
await t.step("it", async () => await assertOnly((fns) => { describe("example", () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); assertEquals(it.only({ name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); assertEquals(it({ name: "c", fn: fns[2] }), undefined); }); }));
await t.step("nested it", async () => await assertOnly((fns) => { describe("example", () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); describe("nested", () => { assertEquals(it.only({ name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }); assertEquals(it({ name: "c", fn: fns[2] }), undefined); }); }));
await t.step("describe", async () => await assertOnly((fns) => { describe("example", () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); describe.only("nested", () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }); assertEquals(it({ name: "c", fn: fns[2] }), undefined); }); }));
await t.step("nested describe", async () => await assertOnly((fns) => { describe("example", () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "a", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); describe("nested", () => { describe.only("nested 2", () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "b", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }); }); assertEquals(it({ name: "c", fn: fns[2] }), undefined); }); })); });
await t.step("flat child only", async (t) => { /** * Asserts that when only is used on a child `describe` or `it` call, it will be the only test case or suite that runs within the top test suite. * This demonstrates the issue where `Deno.test` is called without `only` even though one of it's child steps are focused. * This is used to reduce code duplication when testing calling `describe.ignore` with different call signatures. */ async function assertOnly( cb: (fns: Spy[]) => void, ) { const test = stub(Deno, "test"); const fns = [spy(), spy(), spy()]; try { cb(fns);
assertSpyCall(test, 0); const call = test.calls[0]; const options = call.args[0] as Deno.TestDefinition; assertEquals( Object.keys(options).sort(), ["name", "fn"].sort(), ); assertObjectMatch(options, { name: "example", });
assertSpyCalls(fns[0], 0); assertSpyCalls(fns[1], 0);
const context = new TestContext("example"); const result = options.fn(context); assertStrictEquals(Promise.resolve(result), result); assertEquals(await result, undefined); assertSpyCalls(context.spies.step, 1);
let fn = fns[0]; assertSpyCalls(fn, 0);
fn = fns[1]; assertSpyCall(fn, 0, { self: {}, returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(fn, 1);
fn = fns[2]; assertSpyCalls(fn, 0); } finally { TestSuiteInternal.reset(); test.restore(); } }
await t.step("it", async () => await assertOnly((fns) => { const suite = describe("example"); assertEquals(it({ name: "a", suite, fn: fns[0] }), undefined); assertEquals(it.only({ name: "b", suite, fn: fns[1] }), undefined); assertEquals(it({ name: "c", suite, fn: fns[2] }), undefined); }));
await t.step("deep child it", async () => await assertOnly((fns) => { const suite = describe("example"); assertEquals(it({ name: "a", suite, fn: fns[0] }), undefined); const childSuite = describe(suite, "child"); assertEquals( it.only({ name: "b", suite: childSuite, fn: fns[1] }), undefined, ); assertEquals(it({ name: "c", suite, fn: fns[2] }), undefined); }));
await t.step("describe", async () => await assertOnly((fns) => { const suite = describe("example"); assertEquals(it({ name: "a", suite, fn: fns[0] }), undefined); const childSuite = describe.only(suite, "child"); assertEquals( it({ name: "b", suite: childSuite, fn: fns[1] }), undefined, ); assertEquals(it({ name: "c", suite, fn: fns[2] }), undefined); }));
await t.step( "deep child describe", async () => await assertOnly((fns) => { const suite = describe("example"); assertEquals(it({ name: "a", suite, fn: fns[0] }), undefined); const childSuite = describe(suite, "child"); const child2Suite = describe.only(childSuite, "child 2"); assertEquals( it({ name: "b", suite: child2Suite, fn: fns[1] }), undefined, ); assertEquals(it({ name: "c", suite, fn: fns[2] }), undefined); }), ); });
await t.step("with hooks", async (t) => { /** * Asserts that all the different hook types are called in the correct order when the tests run. * This is used to reduce code duplication when testing calling `describe` with different call signatures. */ async function assertHooks( cb: ( options: { beforeAllFn: Spy; afterAllFn: Spy; beforeEachFn: Spy; afterEachFn: Spy; fns: Spy[]; }, ) => void, ) { const test = stub(Deno, "test"), fns = [spy(), spy()], { beforeAllFn, afterAllFn, beforeEachFn, afterEachFn } = hookFns();
const context = new TestContext("example"); try { cb({ beforeAllFn, afterAllFn, beforeEachFn, afterEachFn, fns });
assertSpyCalls(fns[0], 0); assertSpyCalls(fns[1], 0);
assertSpyCall(test, 0); const call = test.calls[0]; const options = call.args[0] as Deno.TestDefinition; assertEquals(Object.keys(options).sort(), ["fn", "name"]); assertEquals(, "example");
const result = options.fn(context); assertStrictEquals(Promise.resolve(result), result); assertEquals(await result, undefined); assertSpyCalls(context.spies.step, 2); } finally { TestSuiteInternal.reset(); test.restore(); }
let fn = fns[0]; assertSpyCall(fn, 0, { self: { allTimer: 1, eachTimer: 2 }, args: [context.steps[0]], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(fn, 1);
fn = fns[1]; assertSpyCall(fn, 0, { self: { allTimer: 1, eachTimer: 3 }, args: [context.steps[1]], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(fn, 1);
assertSpyCalls(beforeAllFn, 1); assertSpyCalls(afterAllFn, 1); assertSpyCalls(beforeEachFn, 2); assertSpyCalls(afterEachFn, 2); }
await t.step( "in callback", async () => await assertHooks( ({ beforeAllFn, afterAllFn, beforeEachFn, afterEachFn, fns }) => { describe("example", () => { beforeAll(beforeAllFn); afterAll(afterAllFn);
beforeEach(beforeEachFn); afterEach(afterEachFn);
assertEquals(it({ name: "example 1", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); assertEquals(it({ name: "example 2", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }); }, ), );
await t.step( "in options", async () => await assertHooks( ({ beforeAllFn, afterAllFn, beforeEachFn, afterEachFn, fns }) => { describe({ name: "example", beforeAll: beforeAllFn, afterAll: afterAllFn, beforeEach: beforeEachFn, afterEach: afterEachFn, fn: () => { assertEquals( it({ name: "example 1", fn: fns[0] }), undefined, ); assertEquals( it({ name: "example 2", fn: fns[1] }), undefined, ); }, }); }, ), );
await t.step( "nested", async () => { const test = stub(Deno, "test"), fns = [spy(), spy()], { beforeAllFn, afterAllFn, beforeEachFn, afterEachFn } = hookFns();
const context = new TestContext("example"); try { describe("example", () => { beforeAll(beforeAllFn); afterAll(afterAllFn);
beforeEach(beforeEachFn); afterEach(afterEachFn);
describe("nested", () => { assertEquals(it({ name: "example 1", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); assertEquals(it({ name: "example 2", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }); });
assertSpyCalls(fns[0], 0); assertSpyCalls(fns[1], 0);
assertSpyCall(test, 0); const call = test.calls[0]; const options = call.args[0] as Deno.TestDefinition; assertEquals(Object.keys(options).sort(), ["fn", "name"]); assertEquals(, "example");
const result = options.fn(context); assertStrictEquals(Promise.resolve(result), result); assertEquals(await result, undefined); assertSpyCalls(context.spies.step, 1);
assertStrictEquals(Promise.resolve(result), result); assertEquals(await result, undefined); assertSpyCalls(context.steps[0].spies.step, 2); } finally { TestSuiteInternal.reset(); test.restore(); }
let fn = fns[0]; assertSpyCall(fn, 0, { self: { allTimer: 1, eachTimer: 2 }, args: [context.steps[0].steps[0]], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(fn, 1);
fn = fns[1]; assertSpyCall(fn, 0, { self: { allTimer: 1, eachTimer: 3 }, args: [context.steps[0].steps[1]], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(fn, 1);
assertSpyCalls(beforeAllFn, 1); assertSpyCalls(afterAllFn, 1); assertSpyCalls(beforeEachFn, 2); assertSpyCalls(afterEachFn, 2); }, );
interface NestedContext extends GlobalContext { allTimerNested: number; eachTimerNested: number; x: number; y: number; }
await t.step( "nested with hooks", async () => { const test = stub(Deno, "test"), fns = [ spy(function (this: NestedContext) { this.x = 2; }), spy(function (this: NestedContext) { this.y = 3; }), ], { beforeAllFn, afterAllFn, beforeEachFn, afterEachFn } = hookFns(), beforeAllFnNested = spy(async function (this: NestedContext) { await Promise.resolve(); this.x = 1; this.allTimerNested = timerIdx++; timers.set( this.allTimerNested, setTimeout(() => {}, 10000), ); }), afterAllFnNested = spy( async function (this: NestedContext) { await Promise.resolve(); clearTimeout(timers.get(this.allTimerNested)); }, ), beforeEachFnNested = spy(async function (this: NestedContext) { await Promise.resolve(); this.y = 2; this.eachTimerNested = timerIdx++; timers.set( this.eachTimerNested, setTimeout(() => {}, 10000), ); }), afterEachFnNested = spy( async function (this: NestedContext) { await Promise.resolve(); clearTimeout(timers.get(this.eachTimerNested)); }, );
const context = new TestContext("example"); try { describe("example", () => { beforeAll(beforeAllFn); afterAll(afterAllFn);
beforeEach(beforeEachFn); afterEach(afterEachFn);
describe("nested", () => { beforeAll(beforeAllFnNested); afterAll(afterAllFnNested);
beforeEach(beforeEachFnNested); afterEach(afterEachFnNested);
assertEquals(it({ name: "example 1", fn: fns[0] }), undefined); assertEquals(it({ name: "example 2", fn: fns[1] }), undefined); }); });
assertSpyCalls(fns[0], 0); assertSpyCalls(fns[1], 0);
assertSpyCall(test, 0); const call = test.calls[0]; const options = call.args[0] as Deno.TestDefinition; assertEquals(Object.keys(options).sort(), ["fn", "name"]); assertEquals(, "example");
const result = options.fn(context); assertStrictEquals(Promise.resolve(result), result); assertEquals(await result, undefined); assertSpyCalls(context.spies.step, 1);
assertStrictEquals(Promise.resolve(result), result); assertEquals(await result, undefined); assertSpyCalls(context.steps[0].spies.step, 2); } finally { TestSuiteInternal.reset(); test.restore(); }
let fn = fns[0]; assertSpyCall(fn, 0, { self: { allTimer: 1, allTimerNested: 2, eachTimer: 3, eachTimerNested: 4, x: 2, y: 2, }, args: [context.steps[0].steps[0]], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(fn, 1);
fn = fns[1]; assertSpyCall(fn, 0, { self: { allTimer: 1, allTimerNested: 2, eachTimer: 5, eachTimerNested: 6, x: 1, y: 3, }, args: [context.steps[0].steps[1]], returned: undefined, }); assertSpyCalls(fn, 1);
assertSpyCalls(beforeAllFn, 1);
assertSpyCall(afterAllFn, 0, { self: { allTimer: 1, } as GlobalContext, }); assertSpyCalls(afterAllFn, 1);
assertSpyCalls(beforeEachFn, 2);
assertSpyCall(afterEachFn, 0, { self: { allTimer: 1, allTimerNested: 2, eachTimer: 3, eachTimerNested: 4, x: 2, y: 2, } as NestedContext, }); assertSpyCall(afterEachFn, 1, { self: { allTimer: 1, allTimerNested: 2, eachTimer: 5, eachTimerNested: 6, x: 1, y: 3, } as NestedContext, }); assertSpyCalls(afterEachFn, 2);
assertSpyCalls(beforeAllFnNested, 1);
assertSpyCall(afterAllFnNested, 0, { self: { allTimer: 1, allTimerNested: 2, x: 1, } as NestedContext, }); assertSpyCalls(afterAllFnNested, 1);
assertSpyCalls(beforeEachFnNested, 2);
assertSpyCall(afterEachFnNested, 0, { self: { allTimer: 1, allTimerNested: 2, eachTimer: 3, eachTimerNested: 4, x: 2, y: 2, }, }); assertSpyCall(afterEachFnNested, 1, { self: { allTimer: 1, allTimerNested: 2, eachTimer: 5, eachTimerNested: 6, x: 1, y: 3, }, }); assertSpyCalls(afterEachFnNested, 2); }, ); }); });});