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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { escape, unescape } from "./entities.ts";import { assertEquals } from "../assert/mod.ts";import entityList from "./named_entity_list.json" assert { type: "json" };
Deno.test("escape", async (t) => { await t.step('escapes &<>"', () => { assertEquals(escape("&<>'\""), "&amp;&lt;&gt;&#39;&quot;"); }); await t.step("escapes ' to &#39; (not &apos;)", () => { assertEquals(escape("'"), "&#39;"); }); await t.step("doesn't escape non-breaking space", () => { assertEquals(escape("\xa0"), "\xa0"); }); await t.step( "doesn't escape other characters, even if they have named entities", () => { assertEquals(escape("þð"), "þð"); }, );});
Deno.test("unescape", async (t) => { await t.step("round-trips with escape", () => { const chars = "&<>'\""; assertEquals(unescape(escape(chars)), chars); });
await t.step("named entities", async (t) => { await t.step("default options", async (t) => { await t.step("unescapes &apos; as alias for ' &#39;", () => { assertEquals(unescape("&apos;"), "'"); }); await t.step("unescapes &nbsp;", () => { assertEquals(unescape("&nbsp;"), "\xa0"); }); await t.step("doesn't unescape other named entities", () => { assertEquals(unescape("&thorn;&eth;"), "&thorn;&eth;"); }); });
await t.step("full entity list", async (t) => { await t.step("unescapes arbitrary named entities", () => { assertEquals(unescape("&thorn;&eth;", { entityList }), "þð"); }); await t.step( "unescapes truncated named entity (no trailing semicolon) if it is listed", () => { assertEquals(unescape("&amp", { entityList }), "&"); }, ); await t.step( "consumes full named entity even when a truncated version is specified", () => { assertEquals(unescape("&amp;", { entityList }), "&"); }, ); await t.step( "doesn't unescape truncated named entity if it isn't listed", () => { assertEquals( unescape("&therefore; &therefore", { entityList }), "∴ &therefore", ); }, ); }); });
await t.step("decimal", async (t) => { await t.step("unescapes decimal", () => { assertEquals(unescape("&#46;"), "."); }); await t.step("unescapes max decimal codepoint", () => { assertEquals(unescape("&#1114111;"), "\u{10ffff}"); }); await t.step("unescapes decimal with leading zero", () => { assertEquals(unescape("&#046;"), "."); }); await t.step( "unescapes invalid decimal codepoint to replacement character", () => { assertEquals(unescape("&#1114112;"), "�"); }, ); });
await t.step("hex", async (t) => { await t.step("unescapes lower-case hex", () => { assertEquals(unescape("&#x2e;"), "."); }); await t.step("unescapes upper-case hex", () => { assertEquals(unescape("&#x2E;"), "."); }); await t.step("unescapes hex with leading zero", () => { assertEquals(unescape("&#x02E;"), "."); }); await t.step("unescapes max hex codepoint", () => { assertEquals(unescape("&#x10ffff;"), "\u{10ffff}"); }); await t.step( "unescapes invalid hex codepoint to replacement character", () => { assertEquals(unescape("&#x110000;"), "�"); }, ); });});