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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
/** * @deprecated (will be removed in 0.209.0) Use {@linkcode ServerSentEventStream} from {@link} instead. * * Provides {@linkcode ServerSentEvent} and * {@linkcode ServerSentEventStreamTarget} which provides an interface to send * server sent events to a browser using the DOM event model. * * The {@linkcode ServerSentEventStreamTarget} provides the `.asResponse()` or * `.asResponseInit()` to provide a body and headers to the client to establish * the event connection. This is accomplished by keeping a connection open to * the client by not closing the body, which allows events to be sent down the * connection and processed by the client browser. * * See more about Server-sent events on [MDN]( * * ## Example * * ```ts * import { * ServerSentEvent, * ServerSentEventStreamTarget, * } from "$STD_VERSION/http/unstable_server_sent_event.ts"; * * Deno.serve({ port: 8000 }, (request) => { * const target = new ServerSentEventStreamTarget(); * let counter = 0; * * // Sends an event every 2 seconds, incrementing the ID * const id = setInterval(() => { * const evt = new ServerSentEvent( * "message", * { data: { hello: "world" }, id: counter++ }, * ); * target.dispatchEvent(evt); * }, 2000); * * target.addEventListener("close", () => clearInterval(id)); * return target.asResponse(); * }); * ``` * * @module */
/** * @deprecated (will be removed in 0.209.0) Use {@linkcode ServerSentEventStream} from {@link} instead. */import { ServerSentEvent as ServerSentEvent_, type ServerSentEventInit as ServerSentEventInit_, ServerSentEventStreamTarget as ServerSentEventStreamTarget_, type ServerSentEventTarget as ServerSentEventTarget_, type ServerSentEventTargetOptions as ServerSentEventTargetOptions_,} from "./unstable_server_sent_event.ts";
/** * @deprecated (will be removed in 0.209.0) Use {@linkcode ServerSentEventStream} from {@link} instead. */export type ServerSentEventInit = ServerSentEventInit_;/** * @deprecated (will be removed in 0.209.0) Use {@linkcode ServerSentEventStream} from {@link} instead. */export type ServerSentEventTarget = ServerSentEventTarget_;/** * @deprecated (will be removed in 0.209.0) Use {@linkcode ServerSentEventStream} from {@link} instead. */export type ServerSentEventTargetOptions = ServerSentEventTargetOptions_;
/** * @deprecated (will be removed in 0.209.0) Use {@linkcode ServerSentEventStream} from {@link} instead. * * An event which contains information which will be sent to the remote * connection and be made available in an `EventSource` as an event. A server * creates new events and dispatches them on the target which will then be * sent to a client. * * See more about Server-sent events on [MDN]( * * ### Example * * ```ts * import { * ServerSentEvent, * ServerSentEventStreamTarget, * } from "$STD_VERSION/http/server_sent_event.ts"; * * Deno.serve({ port: 8000 }, (request) => { * const target = new ServerSentEventStreamTarget(); * const evt = new ServerSentEvent("message", { * data: { hello: "world" }, * id: 1 * }); * target.dispatchEvent(evt); * return target.asResponse(); * }); * ``` */export const ServerSentEvent = ServerSentEvent_;
/** * @deprecated (will be removed in 0.209.0) Use {@linkcode ServerSentEventStream} from {@link} instead. * * An implementation of {@linkcode ServerSentEventTarget} that provides a * readable stream as a body of a response to establish a connection to a * client. */export const ServerSentEventStreamTarget = ServerSentEventStreamTarget_;