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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Copyright the Browserify authors. MIT License.// Ported mostly from This module is browser compatible.
/** * Utilities for working with OS-specific file paths. * * Functions from this module will automatically switch to support the path style * of the current OS, either `windows` for Microsoft Windows, or `posix` for * every other operating system, eg. Linux, MacOS, BSD etc. * * To use functions for a specific path style regardless of the current OS * import the modules from the platform sub directory instead. * * Example, for `posix`: * * ```ts * import { fromFileUrl } from "$STD_VERSION/path/posix/from_file_url.ts"; * const p = fromFileUrl("file:///home/foo"); * console.log(p); // "/home/foo" * ``` * * or, for `windows`: * * ```ts * import { fromFileUrl } from "$STD_VERSION/path/windows/from_file_url.ts"; * const p = fromFileUrl("file:///home/foo"); * console.log(p); // "\\home\\foo" * ``` * * This module is browser compatible. * * @module */
import { isWindows } from "./_os.ts";import * as _windows from "./windows/mod.ts";import * as _posix from "./posix/mod.ts";
/** @deprecated (will be removed after 1.0.0) Import from {@link} instead. */export const win32 = _windows;
/** @deprecated (will be removed after 1.0.0) Import from {@link} instead. */export const posix = _posix;
export const sep = isWindows ? _windows.sep : _posix.sep;export const delimiter = isWindows ? _windows.delimiter : _posix.delimiter;
export * from "./basename.ts";export * from "./dirname.ts";export * from "./extname.ts";export * from "./format.ts";export * from "./from_file_url.ts";export * from "./is_absolute.ts";export * from "./join.ts";export * from "./normalize.ts";export * from "./parse.ts";export * from "./relative.ts";export * from "./resolve.ts";export * from "./to_file_url.ts";export * from "./to_namespaced_path.ts";export * from "./common.ts";export * from "./separator.ts";export * from "./_interface.ts";export * from "./glob_to_regexp.ts";export * from "./is_glob.ts";export * from "./join_globs.ts";export * from "./normalize_glob.ts";