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function writeAllSync

(will be removed after 1.0.0) Use WritableStream, ReadableStream.from and ReadableStream.pipeTo instead.

Synchronously write all the content of the array buffer (arr) to the writer (w).

import { Buffer } from "";
import { writeAllSync } from "";

// Example writing to stdout
let contentBytes = new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World");
writeAllSync(Deno.stdout, contentBytes);

// Example writing to file
contentBytes = new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World");
const file = Deno.openSync('test.file', {write: true});
writeAllSync(file, contentBytes);

// Example writing to buffer
contentBytes = new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World");
const writer = new Buffer();
writeAllSync(writer, contentBytes);
console.log(writer.bytes().length);  // 11
import { writeAllSync } from "";


arr: Uint8Array