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Deno standard library
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The Standard Library has been moved to JSR. See the blog post for details.
import * as mod from "";

Provides UserAgent and related types to be able to provide a structured understanding of a user agent string.



Used to construct an HTTP server.

Transforms server-sent message objects into strings for the client.

A representation of user agent string, which can be used to determine environmental information represented by the string. All properties are determined lazily.


Contains the STATUS_CODE object which contains standard HTTP status codes and provides several type guards for handling status codes with type safety.

A record of all the status codes text.


Returns an array of media types accepted by the request, in order of preference. If there are no media types supplied in the request, then any media type selector will be returned.

Returns an array of content encodings accepted by the request, in order of preference. If there are no encoding supplied in the request, then ["*"] is returned, implying any encoding is accepted.

Returns an array of languages accepted by the request, in order of preference. If there are no languages supplied in the request, then ["*"] is returned, imply any language is accepted.

Calculate an ETag for an entity. When the entity is a specific set of data it will be fingerprinted as a "strong" tag, otherwise if it is just file information, it will be calculated as a weak tag.

Set the cookie header with empty value in the headers to delete it

Parse cookies of a header

Parse set-cookies of a header

A helper function that takes the value from the If-Match header and a calculated etag for the target. By using strong comparison, return true if the values match, otherwise false.

A helper function that takes the value from the If-None-Match header and a calculated etag for the target entity and returns false if the etag for the entity matches the supplied value, otherwise true.

A type guard that determines if the status code is a client error.

A type guard that determines if the status code is an error.

A type guard that determines if the status code is informational.

A type guard that determines if the status code is a redirection.

A type guard that determines if the status code is a server error.

Returns whether the provided number is a valid HTTP status code.

A type guard that determines if the status code is successful.

Parses a signed cookie to get its value.


Serves HTTP requests with the given handler.

Serves the files under the given directory root (opts.fsRoot).

Returns an HTTP Response with the requested file as the body.


Constructs a server, accepts incoming connections on the given listener, and handles requests on these connections with the given handler.


Serves HTTPS requests with the given handler.

Set the cookie header properly in the headers

Returns a promise with the signed cookie value from the given cryptographic key.

Returns a promise of a boolean indicating whether the signed cookie is valid.


The browser as described by a user agent string.


Information about the connection a request arrived on.

Represents an HTTP Cookie.

The CPU information as described by a user agent string.

The device as described by a user agent string.

The browser engine as described by a user agent string.

Options for calculate.

Just the part of Deno.FileInfo that is required to calculate an ETag, so partial or user generated file information can be passed.

The OS as described by a user agent string.

Interface for serveDir options.

Interface for serveFile options.


Additional serve options.

Additional serve listener options.


Options for running an HTTP server.

Represents a message in the Server-Sent Event (SSE) protocol.


Initialization parameters for serveTls.

Type Aliases

An HTTP status that is a client error (4XX).

Represents an entity that can be used for generating an ETag.

An HTTP status that is an error (4XX and 5XX).


A handler for HTTP requests. Consumes a request and connection information and returns a response.

An HTTP status that is a informational (1XX).

An HTTP status that is a redirect (3XX).

Loose copy of Request.

An HTTP status that is a server error (5XX).

An HTTP status code.

An HTTP status text.

An HTTP status that is a success (2XX).