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export const snapshot = {};
snapshot[`Snapshot Test 1`] = `{ a: 1, b: 2,}`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test 2`] = `TestClass { a: 1, b: 2,}`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test 3`] = `Map(3) { "Hello" => "World!", 1 => 2, [Function (anonymous)] => "World!",}`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test 4`] = `Set(3) { 1, 2, 3,}`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test 5`] = `{ fn: [Function: fn],}`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test 6`] = `[Function: fn]`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test 7`] = `[ 1, 2, 3,]`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test 8`] = `"hello world"`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - step 1`] = `{ a: 1, b: 2,}`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - step > Nested 1`] = `TestClass { a: 1, b: 2,}`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - step > Nested 2`] = `Map(3) { "Hello" => "World!", 1 => 2, [Function (anonymous)] => "World!",}`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - step > Nested > Nested Nested 1`] = `Set(3) { 1, 2, 3,}`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - step > Nested > Nested Nested 2`] = `{ fn: [Function: fn],}`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - step > Nested > Nested Nested 3`] = `[Function: fn]`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - step > Nested 3`] = `[ 1, 2, 3,]`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - step 2`] = `"hello world"`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Adverse String \\ \` \${} 1`] = `"\\\\ \` \${}"`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Default serializer 1`] = `"ab c"`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Multi-Line Strings > string 1`] = `"<html> <head> <title>Snapshot Test - Multi-Line Strings</title> </head> <body> <h1> Snapshot Test - Multi-Line Strings </h2> <p> This is a snapshot of a multi-line string. </p> </body></html>"`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Multi-Line Strings > string in array 1`] = `[ "<h1> Header</h1>", "<p> Content</p>",]`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Multi-Line Strings > string in object 1`] = `{ str: " Line #1 Line #2 Line #3",}`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Failed Assertion > Object 1`] = `"Snapshot does not match:

[Diff] Actual / Expected
[ 1, 2,+ 3, ]"`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Failed Assertion > String 1`] = `'Snapshot does not match:

[Diff] Actual / Expected
- "Hello!"+ "Hello World!"'`;
snapshot[`custom name 1`] = `[ 1, 2, 3,]`;
snapshot[`custom name 2`] = `[ 1, 2, 3,]`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Options > serializer 1`] = `Array Length: 3
[ 1, 2, 3,]`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Options > msg > missing snapshot 1`] = `"[CUSTOM ERROR MESSAGE - MISSING SNAPSHOT]"`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Options > msg > missing snapshot file 1`] = `"[CUSTOM ERROR MESSAGE - MISSING SNAPSHOT]"`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Options > mode 1`] = `"[ 1, 2, 3,]"`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Options > mode 2`] = `"running 1 test from <tempDir>/test.tssnapshot ... ok (--ms)------- output -------
> 1 snapshot updated.ok | 1 passed | 0 failed (--ms)
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Update - New snapshot 1`] = `"running 1 test from <tempDir>/test.tsSnapshot Test - Update ... ok (--ms)------- output -------
> 1 snapshot updated.ok | 1 passed | 0 failed (--ms)
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Update - New snapshot 2`] = `"export const snapshot = {};
snapshot[\`Snapshot Test - Update 1\`] = \`[ 1, 2,]\`;"`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Update - Existing snapshot - no changes 1`] = `"running 1 test from <tempDir>/test.tsSnapshot Test - Update ... ok (--ms)
ok | 1 passed | 0 failed (--ms)
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Update - Existing snapshot - no changes 2`] = `"export const snapshot = {};
snapshot[\`Snapshot Test - Update 1\`] = \`[ 1, 2,]\`;"`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Update - Existing snapshot - updates 1`] = `"running 1 test from <tempDir>/test.tsSnapshot Test - Update ... ok (--ms)------- output -------
> 1 snapshot updated.ok | 1 passed | 0 failed (--ms)
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Update - Existing snapshot - updates 2`] = `"export const snapshot = {};
snapshot[\`Snapshot Test - Update 1\`] = \`[ 1, 2, 3, 5,]\`;"`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Update - Existing snapshots - reverse order 1 1`] = `"running 2 tests from <tempDir>/test.tsSnapshot Test - First ... ok (--ms)Snapshot Test - Second ... ok (--ms)------- output -------
> 2 snapshots updated. > 1 snapshot removed. • Snapshot Test - Update 1ok | 2 passed | 0 failed (--ms)
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Update - Existing snapshots - reverse order 1 2`] = `'export const snapshot = {};
snapshot[\`Snapshot Test - First 1\`] = \`"FIRST"\`;
snapshot[\`Snapshot Test - Second 1\`] = \`"SECOND"\`;'`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Update - Existing snapshots - reverse order 2 1`] = `"running 2 tests from <tempDir>/test.tsSnapshot Test - Second ... ok (--ms)Snapshot Test - First ... ok (--ms)
ok | 2 passed | 0 failed (--ms)
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Update - Existing snapshots - reverse order 2 2`] = `'export const snapshot = {};
snapshot[\`Snapshot Test - Second 1\`] = \`"SECOND"\`;
snapshot[\`Snapshot Test - First 1\`] = \`"FIRST"\`;'`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Remove - New snapshot 1`] = `"running 5 tests from <tempDir>/test.tsSnapshot Test - Remove - First ... ok (--ms)Snapshot Test - Remove - Second ... ok (--ms)Snapshot Test - Remove - Third ... ok (--ms)Snapshot Test - Remove - Fourth ... ok (--ms)Snapshot Test - Remove - Fifth ... ok (--ms)------- output -------
> 5 snapshots updated.ok | 5 passed | 0 failed (--ms)
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Remove - Existing snapshot - removed one 1`] = `"running 4 tests from <tempDir>/test.tsSnapshot Test - Remove - First ... ok (--ms)Snapshot Test - Remove - Second ... ok (--ms)Snapshot Test - Remove - Fourth ... ok (--ms)Snapshot Test - Remove - Fifth ... ok (--ms)------- output -------
> 1 snapshot removed. • Snapshot Test - Remove - Third 1ok | 4 passed | 0 failed (--ms)
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Remove - Existing snapshot - removed several 1`] = `"running 1 test from <tempDir>/test.tsSnapshot Test - Remove - First ... ok (--ms)------- output -------
> 3 snapshots removed. • Snapshot Test - Remove - Second 1 • Snapshot Test - Remove - Fourth 1 • Snapshot Test - Remove - Fifth 1ok | 1 passed | 0 failed (--ms)
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Different Dir - New snapshot 1`] = `"running 2 tests from <tempDir>/test.tsSnapshot Test - First ... ok (--ms)Snapshot Test - Second ... ok (--ms)------- output -------
> 2 snapshots updated.running 2 tests from <tempDir>/test.tsSnapshot Test - First ...----- output end -----Snapshot Test - First ... ok (--ms)Snapshot Test - Second ... ok (--ms)------- output -------
> 2 snapshots updated.ok | 4 passed | 0 failed (--ms)
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Different Dir - Existing snapshot - update 1`] = `"running 2 tests from <tempDir>/test.tsSnapshot Test - First ... ok (--ms)Snapshot Test - Second ... ok (--ms)------- output -------
> 1 snapshot updated.running 2 tests from <tempDir>/test.tsSnapshot Test - First ...----- output end -----Snapshot Test - First ... ok (--ms)Snapshot Test - Second ... ok (--ms)------- output -------
> 2 snapshots updated.ok | 4 passed | 0 failed (--ms)
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Regression #2140 1`] = `{ content: " <h1>Testing a page</h1> <p>This is a test</p> <ul> <li>1</li> <li>2</li> <li>3</li> <li>4</li> </ul> ", title: "Testing a page",}`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Regression #2144 1`] = `{ fmt: { files: { exclude: [], include: [], }, options: {}, },}`;
snapshot[`Snapshot Test - Empty #2245 1`] = ``;
snapshot[`SnapshotTest - createAssertSnapshot > No Options 1`] = `This green text has had it's colours stripped`;
snapshot[`SnapshotTest - createAssertSnapshot - Options Object - Custom Name 1`] = `This green text has had it's colours stripped`;
snapshot[`SnapshotTest - createAssertSnapshot > Message 1`] = `"This snapshot has failed as expected"`;
snapshot[`SnapshotTest - createAssertSnapshot - Composite - Custom Name 1`] = `This green text has had it's colours stripped`;