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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// Copyright @dsherret and dsherret/conditional-type-checks contributors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any ban-types
import { Assert, AssertFalse, AssertTrue, assertType, Has, IsAny, IsExact, IsNever, IsNullable, IsUnknown, NotHas,} from "./types.ts";
// IsNullable{ // matching assertType<IsNullable<string | null>>(true); assertType<IsNullable<string | undefined>>(true); assertType<IsNullable<null | undefined>>(true); // maybe this shouldn't be true?
// not matching assertType<IsNullable<string>>(false); assertType<IsNullable<any>>(false); assertType<IsNullable<never>>(false); assertType<IsNullable<unknown>>(false);}
// IsExact{ // matching assertType<IsExact<string | number, string | number>>(true); assertType<IsExact<string | number | Date, string | number | Date>>(true); assertType<IsExact<string | undefined, string | undefined>>(true); assertType<IsExact<any, any>>(true); // ok to have any for both assertType<IsExact<unknown, unknown>>(true); assertType<IsExact<never, never>>(true); assertType<IsExact<{}, {}>>(true); assertType<IsExact<{ prop: string }, { prop: string }>>(true); assertType<IsExact<{ prop: { prop: string } }, { prop: { prop: string } }>>( true, ); assertType<IsExact<{ prop: never }, { prop: never }>>(true); assertType<IsExact<{ prop: any }, { prop: any }>>(true); assertType<IsExact<{ prop: unknown }, { prop: unknown }>>(true); assertType<IsExact<typeof globalThis, typeof globalThis>>(true);
// not matching assertType<IsExact<string | number | Date, string | number>>(false); assertType<IsExact<string, string | number>>(false); assertType<IsExact<string | undefined, string>>(false); assertType<IsExact<string | undefined, any | string>>(false); assertType<IsExact<any | string | undefined, string>>(false); assertType<IsExact<string, any>>(false); assertType<IsExact<string, unknown>>(false); assertType<IsExact<string, never>>(false); assertType<IsExact<never, never | string>>(false); assertType<IsExact<unknown, any>>(false); assertType<IsExact<never, any>>(false); assertType<IsExact<Date | typeof globalThis, Date>>(false); assertType<IsExact<{ name: string; other?: Date }, { name: string }>>(false); assertType<IsExact<{ prop: Date }, { prop: string }>>(false); assertType<IsExact<{ other?: Date }, { prop?: string }>>(false); assertType<IsExact<{ prop: { prop?: string } }, { prop: { prop: string } }>>( false, ); assertType<IsExact<{ prop: any }, { prop: string }>>(false); assertType<IsExact<{ prop: any }, { prop: unknown }>>(false); assertType<IsExact<{ prop: any }, { prop: never }>>(false); assertType<IsExact<{ prop: unknown }, { prop: never }>>(false); assertType<IsExact<{ prop: { prop: unknown } }, { prop: { prop: any } }>>( false, ); assertType<IsExact<{ prop: { prop: unknown } }, { prop: { prop: never } }>>( false, ); assertType<IsExact<{ prop: { prop: any } }, { prop: { prop: never } }>>( false, ); assertType<IsExact<{ prop: string }, { prop: never }>>(false); assertType<IsExact<{ prop: { prop: any } }, { prop: { prop: string } }>>( false, ); assertType< IsExact< { prop: any } | { prop: string }, { prop: number } | { prop: string } > >(false); assertType<IsExact<{ prop: string | undefined }, { prop?: string }>>(false); // these are different}
// Has{ // matching assertType<Has<string | number, string>>(true); assertType<Has<number, number>>(true); assertType<Has<string | number, Date | string>>(true); // maybe? assertType<Has<any, number>>(true); assertType<Has<any, any>>(true); assertType<Has<any, unknown>>(true); assertType<Has<any, never>>(true);
// not matching assertType<Has<string | number, Date>>(false); assertType<Has<string, number>>(false); assertType<Has<number, any>>(false); assertType<Has<unknown, any>>(false); assertType<Has<never, any>>(false);}
// NotHas{ // matching assertType<NotHas<string | number, Date>>(true); assertType<NotHas<string, number>>(true);
// not matching assertType<NotHas<string | number, string>>(false); assertType<NotHas<number, number>>(false); assertType<NotHas<string | number, Date | string>>(false); // should be true?}
// IsAny{ // matching assertType<IsAny<any>>(true);
// not matching assertType<IsAny<string>>(false); assertType<IsAny<unknown>>(false); assertType<IsAny<never>>(false);
// tests for issue #3 (IsAny resolving to boolean) assertType<IsExact<IsAny<string>, false>>(true); assertType<IsExact<IsAny<5>, false>>(true);}
// IsNever{ // matching assertType<IsNever<never>>(true);
// not matching assertType<IsNever<string>>(false); assertType<IsNever<any>>(false); assertType<IsNever<unknown>>(false);}
// IsUnknown{ // matching assertType<IsUnknown<unknown>>(true);
// not matching assertType<IsUnknown<string>>(false); assertType<IsUnknown<any>>(false); assertType<IsUnknown<never>>(false);}
// AssertTrue{ type test = AssertTrue<IsNever<never>>;}
// AssertFalse{ type test = AssertFalse<IsNever<string>>;}
// Assert{ type test = | Assert<Has<string | number, number>, true> | Assert<Has<string | number, Date>, false>;}
// Recursive types{ type RecursiveType1 = string | number | Date | RecursiveType1[]; assertType<IsExact<RecursiveType1, RecursiveType1>>(true); type RecursiveType2 = { a: string; prop: RecursiveType2; sub: { prop: RecursiveType2; other: RecursiveType1; }; }; assertType<IsExact<RecursiveType2, RecursiveType2>>(true); assertType<IsExact<RecursiveType1, RecursiveType2>>(false);}