import { unicodeWidth } from "";
Get the width of a string's constituent characters in columns in TTY-like environments.
Combine with stripAnsiCode
from fmt/colors.ts
to get the expected physical
width of a string in the console.
Example 1
Example 1
import { unicodeWidth } from "";
import { assertEquals } from "";
import { stripAnsiCode } from "";
assertEquals(unicodeWidth("hello world"), 11);
assertEquals(unicodeWidth("天地玄黃宇宙洪荒"), 16);
assertEquals(unicodeWidth("fullwidth"), 18);
assertEquals(unicodeWidth(stripAnsiCode("\x1b[36mголубой\x1b[39m")), 7);
assertEquals(unicodeWidth(stripAnsiCode("\x1b[31m紅色\x1b[39m")), 4);
assertEquals(unicodeWidth(stripAnsiCode("\x1B]8;;\x07🦕\x1B]8;;\x07")), 2);