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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { test } from "./test.ts";import { extract } from "./yaml.ts";import { runExtractTypeErrorTests, runExtractYAMLTests1, runExtractYAMLTests2, runTestInvalidInputTests, runTestValidInputTests,} from "./_test_utils.ts";
Deno.test("[YAML] test valid input true", () => { runTestValidInputTests("yaml", test);});
Deno.test("[YAML] test invalid input false", () => { runTestInvalidInputTests("yaml", test);});
Deno.test("[YAML] extract type error on invalid input", () => { runExtractTypeErrorTests("yaml", extract);});
Deno.test("[YAML] parse yaml delineate by `---`", async () => { await runExtractYAMLTests1(extract);});
Deno.test("[YAML] parse yaml delineate by `---yaml`", async () => { await runExtractYAMLTests2(extract);});