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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license./** * {@linkcode parse} and {@linkcode stringify} for handling * {@link | INI} encoded data, such as the * {@link | Desktop Entry specification}. * Values are parsed as strings by default to preserve data parity from the original. * Customization is possible in the form of reviver/replacer functions like those in `JSON.parse` and `JSON.stringify`. * Nested sections, repeated key names within a section, and key/value arrays are not supported, * but will be preserved when using {@linkcode IniMap}. Multi-line values are not supported and will throw a syntax error. * White space padding and lines starting with '#', ';', or '//' will be treated as comments. * * @example * ```ts * import * as ini from "$STD_VERSION/ini/mod.ts"; * const iniFile = `# Example configuration file * Global Key=Some data here * * [Section #1] * Section Value=42 * Section Date=1977-05-25 * `; * const parsed = ini.parse(iniFile, { * reviver: (key, value, section) => { * if (section === "Section #1") { * if (key === "Section Value") return Number(value); * if (key === "Section Date") return new Date(value); * } * return value; * }, * }); * console.log(parsed); * * // => * // { * // "Global Key": "Some data here", * // "Section #1": { "Section Value": 42, "Section Date": 1977-05-25T00:00:00.000Z } * // } * * const text = ini.stringify(parsed, { * replacer: (key, value, section) => { * if (section === "Section #1" && key === "Section Date") { * return (value as Date).toISOString().split("T")[0]; * } * return value; * }, * }); * console.log(text); * * // => * // Global Key=Some data here * // [Section #1] * // Section Value=42 * // Section Date=1977-05-25 * ``` * * Optionally, {@linkcode IniMap} may be used for finer INI handling. Using this class will permit preserving * comments, accessing values like a map, iterating over key/value/section entries, and more. * * @example * ```ts * import { IniMap } from "$STD_VERSION/ini/mod.ts"; * const ini = new IniMap(); * ini.set("section1", "keyA", 100) * console.log(ini.toString()) * * // => * // [section1] * // keyA=100 * * ini.set('keyA', 25) * console.log(ini.toObject()) * * // => * // { * // keyA: 25, * // section1: { * // keyA: 100 * // } * // } * ``` * * The reviver and replacer APIs can be used to extend the behavior of IniMap, such as adding support * for duplicate keys as if they were arrays of values. * * @example * ```ts * import { IniMap } from "$STD_VERSION/ini/mod.ts"; * const iniFile = `# Example of key/value arrays * [section1] * key1=This key * key1=is non-standard * key1=but can be captured! * `; * const ini = new IniMap({ assignment: "=", deduplicate: true }); * ini.parse(iniFile, (key, value, section) => { * if (section) { * if (ini.has(section, key)) { * const exists = ini.get(section, key); * if (Array.isArray(exists)) { * exists.push(value); * return exists; * } else { * return [exists, value]; * } * } * } * return value; * }); * console.log(ini.get("section1", "key1")); * * // => [ "This key", "is non-standard", "but can be captured!" ] * * const result = ini.toString((key, value) => { * if (Array.isArray(value)) { * return value.join( * `${ini.formatting.lineBreak}${key}${ini.formatting.assignment}`, * ); * } * return value; * }); * console.log(result === iniFile); * * // => true * ``` * * @module */
export * from "./ini_map.ts";export * from "./parse.ts";export * from "./stringify.ts";