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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { assertEquals, assertThrows } from "../assert/mod.ts";import { closestString } from "./closest_string.ts";
Deno.test("closestString() handles basic example", function () { const words = ["hi", "hello", "help"];
assertEquals( JSON.stringify(closestString("hep", words)), '"help"', );});
Deno.test("closestString() handles case sensitive example 1", function () { const words = ["hi", "hello", "help"];
// this is why caseSensitive is OFF by default; very unintuitive until something better than levenshtein_distance is used assertEquals( JSON.stringify(closestString("HELP", words, { caseSensitive: true })), '"hi"', );});
Deno.test("closestString() handles case sensitive example 2", function () { const words = ["HI", "HELLO", "HELP"];
assertEquals( JSON.stringify(closestString("he", words, { caseSensitive: true })), '"HI"', );});
Deno.test("closestString() handles empty input", function () { assertThrows( () => closestString("he", []), Error, "When using closestString(), the possibleWords array must contain at least one word", );});