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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { walk } from "../fs/walk.ts";import { relative } from "../path/mod.ts";
export async function discoverPackages() { const packages = []; for await (const entry of Deno.readDir(".")) { if ( entry.isDirectory && !".") && !"_") && !== "coverage" ) { packages.push(; } } packages.sort();
console.log("Discovered", packages.length, "packages."); return packages;}
export async function discoverExportsByPackage(packages: string[]) { // Collect all of the exports for each package. const exportsByPackage = new Map<string, [string, string][]>(); for (const pkg of packages) { const exports = await discoverExports(pkg); exportsByPackage.set(pkg, exports); } return exportsByPackage;}
async function discoverExports(pkg: string) { const exports: [string, string][] = []; const base = await Deno.realPath(pkg); const files = walk(base, { includeFiles: true, includeDirs: false, includeSymlinks: false, }); for await (const file of files) { const path = "/" + relative(base, file.path).replaceAll("\\", "/"); const name = path.replace(/(\.d)?\.ts$/, ""); if (name === path && !name.endsWith(".json")) continue; // not a typescript if (name.includes("/.") || name.includes("/_")) continue; // hidden/internal files if ( (name.endsWith("_test") || name.endsWith("/test")) && !(name === "/test" && pkg === "front_matter") ) continue; // test files if (name.includes("/example/") || name.endsWith("_example")) continue; // example files if (name.includes("/testdata/")) continue; // testdata files if (name.endsWith("/deno.json")) continue; // deno.json files
const key = "." + name.replace(/\/mod$/, ""); exports.push([key, "." + path]); } exports.sort((a, b) => a[0].localeCompare(b[0])); return exports;}
if (import.meta.main) { const packages = await discoverPackages(); console.log(packages);}