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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { retry, RetryError } from "./retry.ts";import { assertEquals, assertRejects } from "../assert/mod.ts";import { FakeTime } from "../testing/time.ts";
function generateErroringFunction(errorsBeforeSucceeds: number) { let errorCount = 0;
return () => { if (errorCount >= errorsBeforeSucceeds) { return errorCount; } errorCount++; throw `Only errored ${errorCount} times`; };}
Deno.test("retry()", async function () { const threeErrors = generateErroringFunction(3); const result = await retry(threeErrors, { minTimeout: 100, }); assertEquals(result, 3);});
Deno.test("retry() fails after max errors is passed", async function () { const fiveErrors = generateErroringFunction(5); await assertRejects(() => retry(fiveErrors, { minTimeout: 100, }) );});
Deno.test("retry() waits four times by default", async function () { let callCount = 0; const onlyErrors = function () { callCount++; throw new Error("Failure"); }; using time = new FakeTime(); const callCounts: Array<number> = []; const promise = retry(onlyErrors); queueMicrotask(() => callCounts.push(callCount)); await; queueMicrotask(() => callCounts.push(callCount)); await; queueMicrotask(() => callCounts.push(callCount)); await; queueMicrotask(() => callCounts.push(callCount)); await; queueMicrotask(() => callCounts.push(callCount)); await assertRejects(() => promise, RetryError); assertEquals(callCounts, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);});
Deno.test( "retry() throws if minTimeout is less than maxTimeout", async function () { await assertRejects(() => retry(() => {}, { minTimeout: 1000, maxTimeout: 100, }) ); },);
Deno.test( "retry() throws if maxTimeout is less than 0", async function () { await assertRejects(() => retry(() => {}, { maxTimeout: -1, }) ); },);
Deno.test( "retry() throws if jitter is bigger than 1", async function () { await assertRejects(() => retry(() => {}, { jitter: 2, }) ); },);
Deno.test("retry() checks backoff function timings", async (t) => { const originalMathRandom = Math.random;
await t.step("wait fixed times without jitter", async function () { using time = new FakeTime(); let resolved = false; const checkResolved = async () => { try { await retry(() => { throw new Error("Failure"); }, { jitter: 0 }); } catch { resolved = true; } };
const promise = checkResolved(); const startTime =;
await time.nextAsync(); assertEquals( - startTime, 1000);
await time.nextAsync(); assertEquals( - startTime, 3000);
await time.nextAsync(); assertEquals( - startTime, 7000);
await time.nextAsync(); assertEquals( - startTime, 15000); assertEquals(resolved, false);
await time.runMicrotasks(); assertEquals( - startTime, 15000); assertEquals(resolved, true);
await time.runAllAsync(); assertEquals( - startTime, 15000); await promise; });
Math.random = originalMathRandom;});